I'm either the best friend you'll ever have or your worst enemy!
Generic Survey 1:
The Basics
Full Name lauren kendra scaife
You like it? mostly, first name is overused
Birthdate august 29,1986
Height/Weight 5'6 and none of your business
Eye Color green
Hair Color brown
Can you...
Drive? yes
Drive a manual? depends on your definition of drive
Touch your nose with your tongue? nope
Cook? sort of
Dance? not at all
Sing? i'd like to think so
Sew? well enough
Speak another language? only a little broken russian
Have you ever...
Eaten sushi? its my favorite food
Been in love? yes
Skipped school? yes
Made prank calls? when i was a kid
Done illegal drugs? nope, i'm a good girl
Stolen something worth more than ? nope
Flashed someone? a time or two
Been drunk? yes
Eaten squid? yep its good
Been to New York City? only to JFK airport
Been to London? yes and i loved it
Drink depends on my mood
Soda sprite
Food sushi
Restaurant any place with good sushi
Color green
Artist avenged sevenfold
Album can't decide
Website facebook :p
The Last
Person to hit you its been a while, i dont remember
Person you wanted to hit chase
Person you hugged nick
Person you kissed nick
Person you wanted to kiss you hmm
Country you've been in besides this one, greece
Car you've driven my truck
Law you've broken not sure
Thing you ate food from cheddars
Thing you drank water... so exciting
Thing you said goodnight
Book you read hmm not sure
Show you watched the hills
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