My name is Richard Sharp. I am a brilliant soldier who served England with both the 95th rifled and 33rd foot brigades who fought against that little Napoleon cunt . Armed with a musket and very sharp sword, I am a rather formidable enemy to anybody and my sharp wit and thinking can often lead to fantastic results.I am a bit of a perfectionist and like sharp things. For example, I painted my house with sharp radiant colours. I like sharpening my sword and when I was at school, I was always standing next to the teachers desk sharpening my pencils with the big fuck off sharpener clamped to the desk. I have a Sharpe HD tv wich has a great sharp display. I love going to the pub where I impress the ladys with my sharp wit and attention to detail but when I see my ex girlfriends, I often make sharp exits and go home so I can be in work sharpish .
I hate James Blunt and butter knives, They're just not sharp enough