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Matt Kennedy

Life has many choices, Eternity has two.

About Me

I edited my profile with Thomas Myspace Editor V3.6 !
I currently own my own business and I am starting another in addition to it. My first one is an online website which you can shop through at anytime. If you are interested in more details talk to me I would be glad to serve you in whatever way I may.If you were going to ask me at the beginning of this year about what was going to happen for the rest of my life. I would have said I don't know...God will lead me there. I figured just be a real estate agent. But that wasn't really what I wanted to do for the rest of my life, it was just easy and affordable. Money ruled over me and I didn't have much of it. So I was never going to be a somebody that could do what I wanted to. I would be average and that was just how it was going to be. But then God gave me this amazing opportunity to truly live. He has given me a vehicle to get where I need to. Plus he has given me great people who just speak life into me. God really moves through them. I see it more and more everyday. Now that I have found out that I am in the right place at the right time, I can potentially help many people with accomplishing their dreams. I am always willing to help you but remember I only want to help people who are serious about changing their lives. I am always here for you and if you need any special prayers just send them on over. Thanks so much for believing in me Katie!!! I am truly blessed by everything you have done for me!!!There is many other things going on in my life in addition to what I mentioned. I am currently involved in The Journey which is a bunch of Christ followers who meet every week in different houses. We focus on being The Church God has called to be. We mainly focus on building relationships within the community and we are here to be impact players. God has called us to rise up because there is alot of lost people who are in dire need of a Savior.Matthew 28:18-20 And Jesus came and spoke to them, saying, "All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age." Amen. My hobbies consist of playing guitar and singing. I have performed at few times at school. I am currently in a band named Johari Window and it consists of my friend Matt Haide, Andrew Magnuson and Andrew Barker. It is really fun to make music and I can't wait to learn more instruments.

My Interests

Spending time with God, Playin' Guitar and listening to it, Listening to Music, Going to Church and Hanging out with my friend. I also like snowboarding and paintballing. Even though that doesn't happen that often...

I'd like to meet:

I would like to meet a girl who has put Jesus as a number one priority. She would love me for who I am and that she would enourage me and listen to me. Someone who would bring the problems up and we would talk them out right there before. Another wonderful quality would be that we can talk about anything. She wouldn't be afraid to dream. She would help me keep accountable to God. One more nice quality would be If she played an instrument that would be cool. God will bring her to me and I am really excited. I just pray that I can stay accountable to woman like that! I will keep praying for her to come my way! I would love to spoil a girl like that!


Thrice, Casting Crowns, Jeremy Camp, MxPx, Audio Adrenaline, Newboys,Relient K, Johari Window, Dc Talk, Kevin Max,Toby Mac, Tait, Five Iron Frenzy, Roper, Project 86, Mutemath, Blindside, Michael W. Smith, The Myriad, Lincoln Brewster, 4th Avenue Jones, Falling Up, Dogwood, Chris Tomlin, Number One Gun, Skillet, Spoken, Sub7, Pillar, Mercy Me, Thousand Foot Crutch, Switchfoot, The Elms, Steve Camp, Stretch Armstrong, Johnny Cash, Third Day, Velvet Revolver, Credence Clearwater Revival, Motley Crue, Guns n' Roses, Led Zeppelin, Aerosmith, AC-DC, Muse, Billy Idol, The Offspring, Foo Fighters, Rage against the Machines, Sound Garden, Audioslave, Van Halen, Bob Seger, Cinderella, Maroon 5, Everclear, Pearl Jam, Winger, Ozzy, Black Sabbath, and The Killers.


Resident Evil 1 and 2, Jurassic Park 1 and 2, The Whole 9 Yards, Batman Begins, Happy Gilmore, Office Space, The Punisher and The Lord of the Rings


I don't have one so I am not really sure....I liked the old Saturday Night Lives though. Even though they can be perverted sometimes...


BIBLE, The Gutter, Wild at Heart, The Cross and the Switchblade, The Green Mile Jurassic Park and anything John Maxwell.


I want to be like Jesus and I want to play guitar like Slash!

My Blog


I am really excited to go rafting this weekend! I have only rafted once and I had an absolute blast! I will see alot of the Sonrise people there except Shannon!!! I wish you could go with us! This wil...
Posted by Matt Kennedy on Wed, 17 Aug 2005 01:25:00 PST


Hey Everyone, It has been a while since I have wrote anything. I am having a great summer and I am going to have a blast at Warped Tour and Creationfest! Well hope to see everyone around sometime thi...
Posted by Matt Kennedy on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


Slash was in the grammies last week and he rocked! He was playing a 12 string and he definately tore it up. Today was so awesome I spent the first time ever playing with Andrew, Andrew and Matt. It wa...
Posted by Matt Kennedy on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

I am set up now

Last time I set up an account but I forgot the password so I can never get on that account again but I have made another one so you can mail me anytime you feel like it. Good luck to everyone who is g...
Posted by Matt Kennedy on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST