Polar bear wrestling, not taking drugs ,playing Texas Holdem against other comics all night long and winning huge amounts of cash. Steve Best and Mark Billingham are both rubbish. Eating sushi and some other stuff.
Anyone. I have very few friends.
Tom Waits the best song writer ever, Bowie, Led Zep, Otis Lee Crenshaw, Lucinda Williams, Steve Earl, Talking Heads, Captain Beefheart, John Martin, Nick Drake, Aberfeldy, Alabama 3, BB King, Lambchop, Neil Young, Kevin Ayres, Drive by Truckers, Graham Parker and many more...
Apocalypse Now, Casino, Blade Runner(I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion). 2001 A space odyssey,Man who fell to earth, Magnolia.
Dont watch it unless Im on, so I dont watch it much.
I like a bit of crime fiction, so anything by.....Mark Billingham (Great writer but rubbish at poker and table tennis)orShutter Island by Dennis Lehane (Read it, if you dont like it you must be mad)andThe Black Angel by John Connolly (Fantastic). The Treatment by Mo Hayder. Also not crime fiction but still great, The Dice Man by Luke Rhineheart, Perfume by Patrick Suskind.
Mad Brian