I'm an adventurer...... There are plenty of things I like to do. Why don't you ask me?
anybody.....everybody.....nobody, you can decide for yourself
I'm a hard rocker at heart......but I can enjoy lots of different kinds of music.....Every genre of music has good points and bad points, but everybody's gotta have preferences or music would be really boring.....
Suspenseful Thrillers are the best......I like lots of movies though.....no way I could list em all here
The Shield is my all time favorite show... but I am glued to discovery, history, and sometimes the speed channel when I am watching tv...I also stray to the animal planet channel from time to time...
currently reading the Grimoire for the Apprentice Wizard... along with another equally impressive occult book...I also enjoy reading Car and Driver...
Me.....why should I have to look up to anybody else?