I love to sing.
I play guitar.
I love music, music sooths the soul.
I love to go camping, fishing and stuff like it.
I like to shoot guns and blow shit up.
I like to dance and act a fool.
I like to snowboard and ski.
I like to ride dirt bikes and street bikes.
I like to ride horses and long trails.
I like long scenic drives.
I love the Beach surfed most my life.
I like to play poker and gamble.
I like to dance in the rain.
I like the full moon.
I enjoy editing Film and Photography.
I like being in front of the camera. Im a Hamm.
I enoy martial arts, excersize, and extreme sports.
I like to Meditate
I like to massage and be massaged
Im into the unknown and Supernatural
I like to read about this amazing world and everything in it.
I like Theatre, fine art, and good film
Computers and Internet. I love to break my computer just to fix it.
Im looking for
New friends, lost friends, affiliates, Collegues, friends from school, fellow musicians, fellow artists, fellow actors/actresses.
All sorts of people, you can never have too many friends.
I like people that keep it Real and dont judge or hate.
I like positive and inspirational people with a goal or plan.
I like People that are down to earth and not full of shit or themselves.
I like People that care like I care.
I like People that have heart like I do. I like People that have amazing dreams and visions and share them.
I like People that give like I do without expecting anything in return.
I like People that love you for who you are not what you are.
I like People that can forgive and be forgiven.
I like People that are not afraid to act like a dork or jackass like me.
I like People who will accentuate my life and give me inspiration.
I like People that think logically yet make the impossible seem possible.
I like People that give out of their heart not their pocket.
I like People that love unconditionaly as I do and are there for you NO MATTER WHAT.
I apreciate each and everyone of my friends and I value them all.
My friends are my family just as my Family are my friends.
I love you guys and thank you for being a friend.
****Pause music before watching videos****
Deadwood background artist 2003-06..
Chinamans chance Coming soon
Yeahhh!!! I made it on the trailer. Watch near the end I have my head in boobs...
Im also riding horseback but you cant see us you just see the horses.
.. ME SPINNING PISTOLS needs work I know
:)Prospectors 1880 trailer
One of the project films that Im involved in
..This is why I now have such a potty mouth
Funny Deadwood VideoDeadwood Background Artists
Thanks John LobiondoMore picts from JohnAnd even more from John LOL
We all took alot of picts..LOLMore life on the Set by John LobiondoTribute to Deadwood Background Artist's
By Damon ViolaDeadwood where are they now By Damon Viola
Some funny shit DamonMy Buddy Damon Viola's Green screen productions videoGood luck Damon!!! Keep up the good work
Trying to help promote you brother
Sylvia Brown, James Redfield, Herbert Greenhouse, David Pond, Louis Duncann, William Roll, Swami Panchadasi and more. Those the Authors of the books Ive recently read.
My MOM & DADS for being by my side and loving and supporting me through all my lifes decisions All the men and woman out there fighting for our country The worlds law inforcement and Fire Depts men and woman for making our cities safe Dr. Hampeter of Chatsworth California's Holly Cross for puting me back together and saving my life My good friend,Musician,Actor and last of the Real Cowboys Hawkeye Monte Henson. Living the dream for the love of the sport I Luv you guys. Thank you for loving me.