Acting,theater, performing&watching, broadway, singing,New York city, playing the piano, running, yoga, Ben, watching the office with Rustee while eating salads ala Dressing Room, wakeboarding, snowboarding, going to the movies, looking for my friends & myself in the background of movies, cooking nice dinners, baking, and last but certainly not least, I am very interested in knowing more and more about God and Heaven. I know my little brothers are having a blast up there, and I cant wait to one day be there too!
My amazing little brothers in Heaven
Any kind of 80's music makes me very happy, KLOVE music too. Bands in particular? Ill always love the Beastie boys no matter what, and I'm also kinda stuck on 90's alternative music. Pearl Jam, STP, Rage, Sublime. Oh yea cant forget Dog Ear Jones! I like it all, not really country but other then that I'm in.
Goodfellas, Taxi Driver, Casino, Old School, Gangs of New York, The breakfast club of course, Fast Times at Ridgemont high, Girls just wanna have fun, Empire Records, Howard the Duck, Dirty Dancing,School of Rock, Orange County, Princess Bride, Romeo and Juliet, and of course the Wedding Date. hah!
The Office,Everyday Italian,Dog Whisperer,Cold Case Files
Confessions of a sociopathic social climber - its funny
my parents!!