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Lisa Impossible


About Me

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"It's a lie. It's a bunch of sad strangers photographed beautifully, and... all the glittering assholes who appreciate art say it's beautiful 'cause that's what they wanna see. But the people in the photos are sad, and alone... But the pictures make the world seem beautiful, so... the exhibition is reassuring which makes it a lie, and everyone loves a big fat lie."
Welcome to the dark side I'm critically judgemental, sarcastic and impatient. DON'T COPY ME it's a sign of no creativity. I am a firm believe of animal rights. We must be persistent on saving the earth, or everything will decrease and fall apart. I would rather be out all day and go home tired, then sleep all day and be up all night. There is not enough time in the day, but I keep things simple.

The real and lasting victories are those of peace and not of war.
FROM Alex: Alrighty I have no clue what to put so I hope this sounds good.Lisa Marie is the bestest friend ever.No one can compare to her.Lisa is one of a kind.She is there for people no matter what.She can be bitchy sometimes but what girl isnt?Lisa speaks her mind and tells you exactly how it is.She has goals and dreams and she wont stop untill she achieves[spell check?] them.She doesnt lie,to anyone.Lisa is pretty.I dont know why shes obsessed with her weight,maybe shes crazy.But shes funny and can make anyone laugh.Shes spoiled,but that doesnt make her some bitch on "Sweet 16" shes the nicest person I have met and I have no idea what I would do without her in my life at all.Everyone should hold a conversation with this girl and really get to know her.I love you Lisa Marie
NEW people You don't run, not when you're with us... You stand your ground and fight!

My Interests

He is all I need 24/7. He always beings a smile to my face. I feel infinite with him. He is the one person that will be there when I start my new life.

We have been friends for 2 years almost, and she has stuck by my side. We have our fights but we are infinite.

Though she is out in Gainsville will still talk all the time. I love being in her car blasting MCR. Its amazing.

I don't know where we stand.




Green Street Hooligans
Across the Universe
In The Land of Women
American Beauty


The OC


Eva&Victor Franco