I will reply to you all then,
unless my plane crashes and i die ;/
I don't give a fuck, God sent me to piss the world off! Michaela; Sorry you can't define me
Sorry I break the mold
Sorry that I speak my mind
Sorry don't do what I'm told
Sorry if I don't fake it
Sorry I come too real
I will never hide what I really
Sorry if I ain't perfect
Sorry just don't don't give a fuck
Sorry I ain't a diva
Sorry just know what I want
Sorry I'm not a virgin
Sorry I'm not a slut
I won't let you break me
Think what you want
These two are my best friends. I actually couldn't make another day without them. they always know how to look after me, and give the best advice everytime. I love our nights out, and our random adventures around the uk. I can say and do literally anything around these two and they wont think i'm a divy bastard. In all the time i've known them we've had one fall out, that lasted about 20 minutes. they are true best friends and i honestly wouldnt change them for anybody in the world.
I love you so fucking much