Cause and Effect? profile picture

Cause and Effect?

I am here for Friends

About Me

...All that you really need to know about me could never be expressed through words alone...

I’m a film buff. I’m perpetually going back and forth between leftist and right-wing ideals, and generally tend to run to the middle ground. I overuse the double dash and the semi-colon a lot--punctuation makes the page look pretty! I prefer grungy, graffiti and trash infested areas because to me they show more character and truth than any highly refined area could ever hold. Same holds for people’s personalities. I believe that truth is found in the chaotic, the abstract, and the nonsensical. I like to dress up in post-it notes. I’m a total dork. I like androids. I enjoy invading Russia and planning my attacks in my spare time. I also enjoy swimming in fountains. Jan Svankmajer is my surrealist hero. I dance a lot. I’m thoroughly fascinated by Lucas’ THX-1138 and all the concepts it encompasses. I don’t take myself half as seriously as you may think I do. I like driving around aimlessly in someone’s beat up vehicle and walking with no particular destination in mind. I get lost no matter where I go—but it’s usually fun! I care, a lot—some people may think too much, and that is fine. I love my MOOSEPIG and my fat cat Tiny. I want to live in Scotland at one point in my life. That is all.
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My Interests

THX-1138, Existentialism, Sartre, Russia, Shibari, Contemporary Art, Avant-Garde Film, Black and White, Jackson Pollock, Expressionism, Psychology and the Human Mind, Abnormal Psychology, Schizophrenia, Mental Retardation, Latex, Geometry, Pythagoreans, Numerology, Medicine, Nurses, Scotland, The Fiddle, Semantics, Sarcasm, German Cabaret, Burlesque, Prague, Russian Lit., Lingerie, Traveling, Easter Europe, Post World War II fields of expression, Machiavelli, Propaganda, New York City, Grungy Metro Tunnels, Graffiti, Memories, Gia Marie Carangi, German, Geeks, Baudelaire, Brave New World, Relativism, Gas Masks, Living in the Moment, RENT, Archeology, Girls with Shaved Heads, Walking in the Forest, Long Day Hikes, People Who Appreciate What They Have, Camping, Fashion, Aesthetics, Humanism, Cognitive Restructuring, Christian Dior, Coco Channel, John Galliano, Hans Hoffman, T.A.T.U., Burroughs, People who still have Morals and Ethics, Epistemology, Integrity, Cirque du Soleil, Kazoo, Metaphysics, Anselm Kiefer, Accents, Sci-fi, Sitting around Bonfires, Sleeping In, Driving Around Aimlessly In Someone’s Beat Up Vehicle, Walking With No Particular Destination In Mind, Spontaneity, Quick Witted People, Growing Evolution, Wearing Your Shoes Until They Fall Apart, Nostalgia, Algonquin Park…etc,.

I'd like to meet:

If I had the chance, I'd ask the world to dance!"

John Gallino and Morrissey for the Queen of London!
International Playboys, Thugs, Nurses, Geeks, Sci-Fi Nerds, Boys, Girls, and anything in between, Waldo, Doctors, Carmen Sandiego, Poets, Dreamers, A LUMBERJACK!, Denzel Washington, Ol' Dirty Basterd, Morrissey, Your Mom, Your Bro, Boy George, Morticians, YOU, Winston Churchill, Weirdoes, fruits, spacemen, ZOMBIES...just about anyone so long as you don't have a stick up your ass and you have something interesting to say.


.. ttp:// 201a225f74ae8746cea36.jpg "I'll listen to just about anything: Classical, Trip-pop/hop, Elecktronica, Industrial, Goth, 80's, Punk, Darkwave, Instrumental, New Age Opera, Irish Pub Music, Experimental, Classic Rock, Metal, Indie, Acoustic, Arabic, Dark Ambient, Old School Rap, anything with a good beat to it, Ethereal, Deathrock, Psychobilly, Rockabilly etc, long as it moves me.

Also, SOMA—check them out on their myspace: or .. at: Great Montreal Band. ...the end.


"Trying to remember who you are?"
Dead Poets Society, The Shawshank Redemption, A Beautiful Mind, Gia, Cidade de Deus, Amelie, L’idole, Secretary, The Edukators, Legend, Merlin, The Dark Crystal, Das Experiment, THX-1138, Crash (David Cronenberg), Fly, Spider, Naked Lunch, eXistenZ (yes--I am a huge Cronenberg fan), The Story of O, A History of Violence, Baraka, Dr. Strangelove, La Vita e Bella, Angela's Ashes, The Pianist, Foxfire, Hackers, La Vendedora de Rosas, Pollock, Eraserhead, Uzak (Distant), Alice, Darkness Lightness Darkness, Faust, Apocalypse Now, Blue Velvet, Appleseed, Meshes of Afternoon, The Rocky Horror Picture Show, Les Miserables, A Clockwork Orange, TANK GIRL, 2001: A Space Odyssey, Fritz Lang's Metropolis, ... just to name a few.
"Let us be thankful we have commerce. Buy more. Buy more now. Buy. And be happy." OMM. THX-1138, Are you now, or have you ever been?


HOUSE-- Greatest show on TV by far. Other than that, I do not really watch Tv.


Metempsychosis: R.M. Berry, Fugitive Pieces: Anne Micheals, A Short History of Decay: E.M. Cioran, The Joke: Milan Kundera, Their Eyes Were Watching God: Zora Neale Hurston, On the Road: Jack Kerouac, Naked Lunch by William S. Burroughs, The Ticket That Exploded: William S. Burroughs, The Willow Tree; Last Exit to Brooklyn: Hubert Selby Jr., American Gods: Neil Gaiman, Pale Fire, Lolita, etc.,: Vladimir Nabokov, Being and Nothingness: Jean Paul Sartre, Problematic Rebel: An Image of Modern Man: Maurice Friedman, The Myth of Sisyphus: Albert Camus, Purity of Heart: Kierkegaard, Reason and Anti-Reason in Our Age: Karl JaspersRegarding the Pain of Others: Susan Sontag, The Story of O: Pauline Reage


All those without a voice, who hope.
"To remain with the dead is to abandon them "
"No one is born just once. If you're lucky, you'll emerge again in someone's arms; or unlucky, wake when the long tail of terror brushes the inside of your skull."
Anne Micheals--Fugitive Pieces