IRISHDANCING! HIPHOP! DancinginGeneral! SINGING! Destruction cometh; and they shall seek peace, and there shall be none. Movement. Adventures. Nudity. Graffiti. Airbrush. Photography/Film. Science. BMX. Snowboarding. Skateboarding. Pigtails. Learning. RaunchyThings. History. Sharks. DeepSeaSharks. Megaladons. Irukandji. Collecting Stones, Shells, SharkTeeth. Fishing. Flying. Storms. Tornadoes. Fear. AdrenalineRushes. Harmonica. Bagpipes. Art. Piano. Videogames. TheStareBeforeaKiss. SlowDancing. SwingingAtNight. PlayingMyDrums. SpecialMoments. Chrocheting. PlayingInTheRain. MartialArts. Motorcycles. 1800-1950LifeStyle. HorsebackRiding. DancingInMyRoomAtNight. ThriftStores. FleaMarkets. Animals.
Anyone who shares a few common anythings with me. AIM-xratedtears
anyone that dances & Anyone in need of a female vocalist.
TheCranberries. JimmyEatWorld. Mindy Smith. YES. AlanisMorsette. MazzyStar. MichaelJackson. Ambient. HipHop. Blues. Soul. Classic rock/Oldies. Country.
LittleMissSunshine. PrideandPrejudice. Love Actually. Starwars. LordoftheRings. BombtheSystem. AceVentura. DumbandDumber. RealGenius. AmericanHistoryX. FullMetalJacket. documentaries. ThingsWithActorsThatILike.
Discovery channel. History channel. National Geogrhapics. The Office. The Travel Channel. Family Guy.
The Bell Jar. the da vinci code. Biographies. Pride & Prejudice. the Jerry Lewis and Dean Martin novel. Tell me a good book to read!
Stephen Hawking and Bear Grylls