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DW Katie

You are afraid of me, because I talk like a Sphynx.

About Me

I entered this world on the Champs-Elysees, 1959. La trottoir du Champs Elysees. And do you know what my very first words were? "New York Herald Tribune! New York Herald Tribune!"
I take work. but if I love you, you'll know it.
Originaly from Atlanta, I studied Anthropology and Media Arts at the University of Arizona and just graduated this May. I'm starting grad school at the University of Southampton in England in October. I want to be an underwater archaeologist and have National Geographic knocking on my door. I can't decide though if Egyptology or Biblical Archaeology will be my forte. I want to never stop reading and learning. History ..aries are my background noise. I enjoy telling people random facts. I believe in signs. I'm always buying fresh flowers. I'm obsessed with french vanilla capstick. I don't like chocolate. I'm always missing someone. The first thing I do when I get home is wrestle with my five pound dog. Sometimes I'm quiet; sometimes you can't get me to stop talking. I want more. I'm like no one you've ever met, but you'll have to get past thinking I'm a bitch to see that.
the two greatest videos i have ever been apart of:
Lazy Escalator Shuffle

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My Interests

archaeology, bright paintings, civil rights, climbing, vino, and certainly my puppy avi, unless he is kicking me in his sleep or barking at some unknown fear

I'd like to meet:

GOD. MLK. Miss Jane Pittman. Rosa Parks. Plato. Polycarp. Franck Goddio.

"Footsteps in the snow suggest where you have been, point where you are going: but where they suddenly vanish, never dismiss the possibility of flight."

"[Falling in love] is just one of those moments that is opposite of blindness."

"Maybe I'll just keep talking and if I say anything intelligent you can take a picture of it."

"I have such a mind-numbing fear of the future that the only way I can function at all is with equal amounts of denial and drugs."

"Fear kills everything -- your mind, your heart, your imagination.


indie acoustic emo alternative rock


beauty and the beast, lifeboat, loving annabelle, singin' in the rain, superman, the color purple, the last of the mohicans


anything on the history channel international, italian soccer (ac milan!), kyle xy, the colbert report, the l word, ugly betty, wonderfalls br


clan of the cave bear, lamb: the gospel according to biff, the eyre affair!, the phantom tollbooth, the picture of dorian gray
"A strong and bitter book-sickness floods one's soul. How ignominious to be strapped to this ponderous mass of paper, print and dead man's sentiment. Would it not be better, finer, braver to leave the rubbish where it lies and walk out into the world a free untrammelled illiterate Superman?"


jesus and jane goodall

"I'll play the victim!"
"...all your life."

My Blog

Heading to DC

I leave in a few hours for DC! I have so much stuff. Ugh. Packing up life is not so easy. I'm going to try to call all of you back either this evening or Sunday. I will still have my phone in England,...
Posted by DW Katie on Fri, 21 Sep 2007 08:52:00 PST

Change of Scenery

I just had a going-away lunch with the office ladies. I am out of things to wear cuz everything is packed. I leave tomorrow for DC. I leave Sunday for school. I am incredible excited. I am flipping ou...
Posted by DW Katie on Thu, 20 Sep 2007 11:48:00 PST

So you can have me on low-jack.

My two weeks of traveling begins today. I leave for Kansas tonight after I spend the rest of the day getting boxes, packing, and giving away old clothes and inanimate objects. We run tomorrow, though ...
Posted by DW Katie on Mon, 10 Sep 2007 02:43:00 PST

National Geo, here I come!.... Maybe.

I was propositioned today to go on a camping trip date with a 30 year old.I was later asked to "get laid."I wonder what any of these things would have accomplished.On another note, I decided this week...
Posted by DW Katie on Thu, 06 Sep 2007 09:49:00 PST

If I could have just one band with me forever...

Sometimes you can just go back. Back to the moment. Where it happened. Where everything mattered. Back when your heart felt like it couldn't breathe. I often feel like a volcano. Dormat. Deadly. Build...
Posted by DW Katie on Wed, 29 Aug 2007 04:50:00 PST

So long Car...

In just a matter of hours, I will be car-less. I'm selling the little shark to pay for grad school. I am more than a little torn up about it. I LOVE my car. We have had so many memories over these pa...
Posted by DW Katie on Mon, 27 Aug 2007 07:15:00 PST

Dive Dangers

I just came across this article. Please check out the fantasticness of my new job career. Hahaha. Anne? Amanda? Fuck. Hugs now please.Show some respect. Archaeology can be tough can't i...
Posted by DW Katie on Sun, 26 Aug 2007 07:11:00 PST

Tribute CLB3

The power just went out while I was in the shower. I was waiting for it to happen. I could see the lightning flash outside my bathroom window and knew from childhood horror stories that I shouldn't be...
Posted by DW Katie on Fri, 24 Aug 2007 05:19:00 PST


I've been called out on my lack of updates. Forgive me, life has been busy! Between work, training for this mini-triathlon I still haven't decided if I'm doing, and placating my mom's incessant need f...
Posted by DW Katie on Thu, 23 Aug 2007 08:14:00 PST

Heat Wave. Chelsea, get it?

Everyday is the same. I wake up and turn on the radio to hear of another seventy year old woman who died of heatstroke in her home. Everyday is a new record high. 100 degree heat was okay in the deser...
Posted by DW Katie on Fri, 17 Aug 2007 08:59:00 PST