Reading Helping OthersWritting PoetryMovies
I am currently setting up my calendar for Summer '07 and Fall '07. If you are in need of a Guest Speaker for your church or for platform services I am available. Leave me a message in my mailbox and I will give you my personal contact information. Also, I will be setting up my calendar for '08 in November.Thank you and God Bless I look forward to hearing from you. Yours in the Master's Service.
GospelOld SkoolSome RapA little Hip HopI love Marvin and Big Lu R.I.P
Bringing down the HouseSave the Last DanceLife etc
Bernie Mac Show,My Wife and Kids,South ParkP,roud Family,Girlfriends
Everything I love to read!I'll get back lata with the list lol
My mom R.I.P.My Family and My Son I love You StevenBishop G.E. Patterson R.I.P