The Easter Bunny, cause I wanna ask him why he leaves those little miniature chocolate versions of himself in millions of homes once a year for kids to eat. Is it because of some sick fucking cannabilistic fetish of his or what? I mean...that's just messed up.
Well, it's a pretty ecclectic collection, but here goes: Slipknot, Slayer, Van Halen (David Lee Roth, not Sammy), Peter Gabriel, Joe Cocker, Nine Inch Nails, Johnny Cash, Queen, Prokoviev, Ravel, Pink Floyd, Zeppelin, Beatles, Stevie Wonder, Infected Mushroom, Chemical Brothers, Dead Can Dance, Massive Attack, Deep Forest, Enigma, Rob Zombie, Flogging Molly,Crystal Method, ACDC, Body Count, Ministry, RL Burnside, The Rolling Stones, Lords of Acid, Verdi, VAST, Wagner, Tenacious D, Clanaad, Nerf Herder, Sinatra, Iron Maiden, Rage Against the Machine, Type O Negative, The Who.....etc. Well, you get the picture..
Rosencrantz and Guildernstern are Dead, Saw, Coppola's Dracula, Manon des Sources, The Godfather I & II, Taxi Driver, American Werewolf in Paris, Killing Zoe, Scarface, The Changling, Snatch, Seven, Harold and Kumar go to White Castle, Dazed and Confused, House of a 1000 Corpses, any Jackie Chan flick, all the Bruce Lee stuff, oh yeah, anything with Tera Patrick
The Shield, Deadwood, Futurama, Simpsons, Family Guy, Dead Like Me, Penn & Tellers Bullsh*t, Sopranos, Arrested Developent, Aqua Teen Hunger Force, Rome
The Sign and the Seal, The Hiram Key, Ancient Egyptian Myths and Legends, anything by Joseph Campbell, The Mystical Qabballa, 777, Le Morte D'Arthur, Da Vinci Code, Angels and Demons, Machievelli's Discourses and The Prince, anything by HP Lovecraft, all of Shakespeare's Works,
Red Sox (of course), Aleister Crowley, Really, anyone who has gone against the popular conventions or preconceived notions of the time, and proved them wrong. Oh yeah....and the guy who came up with the flavoring for cough syrup. Way to go. If you've never had a Robitussin & Red Bull cocktail, you ain't livin' dude.