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About Me

My Interests

I love tattoos and piercings on myself and others. I have 3, on my foot, my ankle and my inner leg.I just like getting out of the house for whatever, I can be real laid back or a little wild depending on the setting. I love the family BBQ's at my moms. Just hanging out in the backyard with the firepit, the grill, some beer and good company. I also like making the club rounds in Westport or SKC, I love to shake my ass =)


All kinds, right now my favorite songs are The Streets - Dry your eyes, 3 Doors Down - Let me go, Fall Out Boy - Sugar we're going down, Young Jeezy - Soul Survivor, 50 Cent and Eminem - Gatman and Robin, Maroon 5 - Secret but this list changes regularly. My theme song is Bad Bitch by Webbie, if that tells you anything and you know the lyrics.


Simpsons, South Park, Will and Grace, Lost and of course Desperate Housewives --- HELLO I am a woman.


Does Get Fuzzy count as a book if I read a month worth of comic strips at a time?


I don't have a "hero" simply because I never had anyone to look up to while I was growing up (no good role models, mentors or someone to guide me) and I don't think being famous gives you any kind of hero status (being talented doesn't make you a hero).I strive to be like the person I want to be, not like anyone else but to have the qualities I think a good person should have, I'm not there yet but at least I know who this person is. My best friend Tuesday is someone I highly respect and whose opinion I value but not really a "hero", however she does possess some of those qualities I strive for in myself.