TALL JON profile picture


I woke up with my sock untide?

About Me

I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4 Im an upbeat guy who works hard, plays music and is madly in love with life. I love to just rock out for a couple of hours every day. When Im not working, or playing the guitar, I write anyaliticall bullish that stupid people confuse with poetry. I like to go out and hange with poeple and go to shows and sometimes just kick it at home. But that can be kind of hard some times since most of my friends live in Grass Valley, and I live in Sacramento.But most of the time I avoid sleep for severall weeks then go on some crazy mission that no one but I understand.... I think the last one invalved a pare of ice skates, a jar of peanut butter, one snow shuvle a closed water park and a freshly dug up corpse.And no Im not out of my mind! I just know the reall meaning of the word "FUN".....Hahahah!

My Interests

Poetry, music, books, writing, thearter, movies, the outdoors. The study of live as a whole and seperate entity.

I'd like to meet:

Friends..... Musicans..... Writers..... Poets...... Cool people that just want to have fun... Abstract idealists!


Hardcore, rock, Alternitive rock, EMO, Screemo, Metal, Regga, Indi, Rap, Classical, Accustic... Everything you can think of except Im not a big fan of Country.


Fight Club, Blade, Interview with the Vampire, Snatch, United States of Lilind, X2, Edward Scissorhands, The Nightmarr Before Christmass, Batman(1-2 and hope fully the new one is good). Star Wars, Matrix, The Lord of The Rings, Spaceballs, Moulin Rouge, Entraphy, Life is Beutifull, Swimming With the Fishes, Fear and Loughthing in Las Vagas, Unbrakeable, The Six Sence, The Big Lebowski, and many, many more....


Don't watch too much tv because I am very paranoid about brain wash.... But what I do watch is: The Familly Guy, The Sipsoms, Future Rama, The 4400 and anything that is on the History Channel or Food Channel. Oo W and I Sometimes Watch The Discovery Channel.


Anything Ann Rice, William Blake, Eddger Allian Poe, and Shakespear. I like some Stephen King, like his Dark Tower Series. I also Dig, Tom Clancy and Daniel Defoe as well as Hunter S. Tomson. Ray Bradbury, Herman Melville, C.S. Lewis, Alexandre Dumas, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, J.R.R Tolkien, Lorenzo Carcaterra, those are all that I can think of off the top of my head, but there are many others. I love to read.... Just about everything, well except for Siddny Shelldon, Wess Craven, and John Carpenter (Those writers should be tranked, shaved, sterilized and imprissiond in a Zoo).


That on guy, who said that one philisophical thing... You knowthe one....

My Blog

Crazy.... Lol

   Huh, I had a crazy day last week. I was working in my store stacking apples, and this middle aged women was on her way out the door and turned in my direction. I smiled and told to have a...
Posted by TALL JON on Thu, 28 Jun 2007 10:46:00 PST

Truth of nothing

I must confess I was about too put down the most honest and simple truth that any man could ever write. But I fear the resalt of such a thing, and Im not tooo sure that Im eady to take that plunge or ...
Posted by TALL JON on Tue, 19 Sep 2006 09:58:00 PST

Sneaky Fat Bastards!!!

So today was a brake through!! I woke up from my dreamless sleep and headed out to buy myself a new pare of shoose. But when I arrived at the shopping center I relized that I was'nt waring a...
Posted by TALL JON on Mon, 24 Jul 2006 08:40:00 PST