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I am here for Friends

About Me

I take life seriously and believe that the only way to call it a life is to live it. I never stop even when I wish I could; resting is for the dead. I expect more from myself then I can give and put myself in situations that I can't handle, but some how I deal. I am a fucking perfectionist that will not give up...most of the time. I do believe successful people in life recognize when to give up and when not too and believe that balance is the only way to go. I work to live, and do not live to work. I'm an engineering student at Cap and officially on Dec 9th am jobless. When I'm not in school I am traveling and will go anywhere in the name of exploration and personal development. Newest exploit is Thailand Dec 13th!!!!! I am always looking for people to travel with. When I'm not on breaks in school weekend breaks are definitely an option...weekend in New York ne1 ;P??? My friends are what keep me going and where I devote a significant amount of my energy. I truly click with few, but when it happens it’s amazing. I only expect honesty and respect from people if u do not present both you are immediately cut. Fusion intrigues me whether it be music, science or fashion cross genre pollination spawns awesome shit and should be encouraged there is nothing new only permutations of previously existing things. More on music: I LUV IT!!! Anything with a beat and dance-ability will spark my interest. I don't necessarily think lyrics are absolutely necessary and when they are not needed speaks to the tracks ability to express emotion without words, which is admirable (argument for those anti-house people out there---suck it!!! -----). That said I luv music with lyrics 2. I like Hip-hop just as much as house and u put those two together and I'm in heaven :). As I said about fashion I like mixing things up punky and preppy, urban and formal...can anyone say oxymoron? What can I say I’m gay and wouldn't have it any other way. I believe it's the duty of every homosexual to spread their fucking amazing genes into the next boyz start donating and lesbiens pop a few out for the team!Well all good things do come to an end and this is it...... The End.

My Interests

I am way to interesting for you.

I'd like to meet:

Fred Skippideo, the man who invented the most under-rated form of movement in the existance of mankind...skipping.

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House, trance, jungle, drum n Bass, hip-hop, dancehall, RnB..


Suspense!!! and comedies


Don't watch TV


Death By Black Hole


Gillian Mary Russell

My Blog

Quote Journal

"No one out there is selfless; we all use each other. I just make sure it's mutually beneficial." -Me "Friends are Family that you choose" -Sarah Jessica Parker "Indie New Wave Dance Punk Electro Dir...
Posted by Peder on Fri, 02 Mar 2007 08:57:00 PST

Thailand Journal

And I thought there would be no use for this blog on my page. I guess it is a true testiment to never say never. As Tom, I'm sure is saying "I told u so",  in his comforatble Santa Monica 4.5 mil...
Posted by Peder on Mon, 18 Dec 2006 05:42:00 PST