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Death is Only the Beginning...

About Me

ok so in the chinese astrology chart im a tiger heres a brief overview of what that means....~Tigers may not be the king of the jungle, but these striped cats are no softies! Magnetic and self-possessed, Tigers are born leaders. They have an air of authority that prompts others to fall in line, which is exactly how they like it. Although they are magnetically charming and fun to be around, Tigers like to go it alone sometimes too. A Tiger's main interest is in following its ambitions -- and maintaining control.Tigers are courageous beyond compare and generally come out ahead in battle, be it in the boardroom or the bedroom. Seduction is one area where the Tiger is definitely king! Noble and warm-hearted, Tigers have a natural, raw appeal that's extremely attractive to other Signs. They're not just about attraction, though; ever on the side of right, Tigers will fight the good fight to the bitter end if the cause is worthy. Opponents are wise to fear this feline.A bit of caution is a good thing around Tigers, since they can pounce without warning. They experience mood swings and often feel things more intensely than others, the latter quality being both good and bad. They can react poorly under stress and are prone to emotional outbursts. This Sign's bristling sensitivity can send friend and foe running for cover.A lesson that Tigers would be well-served to learn is moderation in all things. Once these cats can find their center and direct their considerable energies toward worthwhile endeavors (as opposed to racing through life), they will accomplish how many of you know me well enough to comment on it?anyways i like to listen to buckethead and drink responsibly or not up to you really. i like to smoke legally or not (again up to you) and i like to do everything else any other person my age would do...jesus is it really that hard to figure out that ALL PEOPLE ARE THE SAME at their far as anything else goes youre just gonna hafta quit being a sandy vagina and ask me your self arent you...oh and i get UBER spam so if you do send me a message MARK IT AS NOT SPAM PLS!!

My Interests

), horror/gore movies, LOUD metal, kung fu movies, and the martial arts themselves, humor, fellow euro trash haters..., and making emo kids cry (its so fucking easy)and a little bit too much of lifes finer pleasures.

I'd like to meet:

Bad Easter Bunny

Add to My Profile | More VideosBuckethead Guitar lesson

Add to My Profile | More VideosA REAL BUCKETHEAD LESSON!!!!!buckethead - nottingham lace



Himsa - Scars In The Landscape (Dont Mess With Pettibone)
Add to My Profile | More Videos rofl dont fuck with metal you dumb sonuvabitch


Crazy Kid Splits his Nutsack on a Botched Jump
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hmm adult swim until its shitty excuse for anime comes on.....and i like to watch it when its off...its like its a whole nother world in there but its all reverse light or something. Twin Musical Tesla Coils playing Mario Bros
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Dante, Calvin and Hobbes, Penny Arcade, Manga, Comic Books, (yea im a dork big whup WANNA FIGHT ABOUT IT?!!?) music history and musician biographies, and books on the history of Asia and Japan and the martial arts, lastly books on religion(its fun to point out when bible thumpers are wrong.)


3 Inches Of Blood: The Goatriders Horde
Add to My Profile | More Videosfuggin CHOCOLaTE RAIN!!! its hypnoticChocolate Rain
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My Blog


ok so heres to good times and all the laughs and tears we shared....the lot of you. but i must do this i cant hold back any longer, i hate what youve done to me and i hate what ive become, this is the...
Posted by kevin on Wed, 27 Aug 2008 06:31:00 PST

goddamn son of a bitch

so here i am the middle of somehting very volitile and i keep my foot firmly planted in its throat. anyways im sure NO ONE reads this so i can freely say what id like to say...i feel hurt b...
Posted by kevin on Sat, 26 Jul 2008 10:25:00 PST

fucking heart

my heart hurts and i dont know why. something in my mind tells me to be careful. for the first time in a long time im afraid of head hurts and i cant tell why. something in my heart is...
Posted by kevin on Mon, 14 Jan 2008 05:59:00 PST

lol still cant leave it blank

The Goatriders Horde Feeling the march of the fury unleashed Impaling the soldiers of God Smell of sulphur hot on the wind Left by the Goatrider's Horde The thundering roar Of the cloven hoof The Goat...
Posted by kevin on Thu, 11 Oct 2007 01:26:00 PST

life is wonderful

yea so today i wake up and have been kicked out of my online highschool cause im too old...cause you know i drink in class.....where everyone can see me. also there might be some major changes in my l...
Posted by kevin on Wed, 22 Aug 2007 06:43:00 PST


so its been like three years since i last saw my ol' drinkin buddy chad...i miss him alot ya know. me and him we had some CRAZY nights. hey chad member that one time that jared got so drunk he fell ou...
Posted by kevin on Thu, 09 Aug 2007 04:55:00 PST

hehheh it learn it love it now...i see you just sitting there...GO NOW OR DIE!!!!!
Posted by kevin on Fri, 03 Aug 2007 07:17:00 PST

still bored

bored bored bored as hell. buh-buh-buh-BORED! buh-buh-buh BORED! some one ANYONE give me something to do hell id rather walk bareass through hell breast feeding gary coleman with oprahs tits than star...
Posted by kevin on Tue, 01 May 2007 06:43:00 PST words...too excited...

slightly stoopid will be at the tabernacle in A-town on Sep 1 someone buy me a ticket !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!
Posted by kevin on Sun, 29 Apr 2007 09:10:00 PST


this is the portion of the blog where im supposed to write out how im feeling, or whats new in my life...the only problem is that i cant feel anything. i cant feel anger, sadness, joy, clarity, i just...
Posted by kevin on Mon, 23 Apr 2007 09:55:00 PST