Michal Nicolas profile picture

Michal Nicolas

Michal Nicolas

About Me

“If music be the food of love, play on” Shakespeare once famously wrote. For Michal Nicolas however, it’s always been love that feeds the music. Whether elation, infatuation, abandonment or loss, Michal’s music is an ode to this most feared and revered of human emotions - one which can lift us to the highest heights or cast us to the lowest depths. What sets Michal apart from his contemporaries though is that his outpourings on love are laced with a raw, unselfconscious passion which, rather than make you curl up and contemplate, will most definitely give you an appetite to dance! A downbeat romantic crooner he certainly ain’t. Far from it…Michal’s world has glitter balls and strobe lights, and no matter where you are or how you’re feeling, he wants you to share life’s passion and come dance with him. “Being passionate is all about letting yourself go, and for me, that’s what love is like. You stop listening to your head and let your heart take over. It’s a rollercoaster ride which can give you the biggest highs, or if things go wrong, leave you feeling sick. Whatever happens, it takes guts to get on in the first place and you should be proud of that, and proud of yourself. You should never be too scared to love.” A respected songwriter who has worked with many writers and producers over the years, Michal honed his performing skills studying theatre and singing in various boy bands and groups. But with his incredibly melodic song-writing skills and distinct vocal style, his was to be the path of a solo artist. Since that evolution, Michal has captivated audiences with his dynamic, emotionally-charged performances and unique sonic depth. Being candid about his emotions is something Michal most certainly is. “Guys in particular are sometimes ashamed to show how they feel. I’ve never understood that, and that’s why in my music, I’ve always tried to tell it like it is, like it really feels. I wanted my music to be different to other songs about love; although the lyrics of my songs are full of emotion, I felt more comfortable having them set to dance music than a traditional moody ballad. I want to make people dance, and be proud of how they feel. If you’re madly in love, shout it to the rooftops; if someone you love knocks you down, get up again….and dance!” This unique signature fusion of uninhibited, heartfelt lyrics set to a backdrop of uplifting dance rifts has captured the imagination of people the world over, and is undoubtedly the secret of Michal’s success. In 2001, his infectious debut single cover of Billie Ray Martin’s ‘Your Loving Arms’ remixed by renowned UK DJ Wayne G was testament to that, and catapulted him instantly onto dancefloors right across the US, Europe and his native Australia. His follow-up single, “To Deserve You” also found its way onto dance compilations worldwide. It heralded the start of a hectic year for Michal which saw him perform at London’s iconic Heaven nightclub, the final Sydney Harbour Party, Pride New Year’s Eve 2002 and the closing party for the Sydney 2002 Gay Games. Soon after, Michal was asked to feature on the 2003 New Mardi Gras Official Anthem alongside international singer/producer, Gerry Deveaux which they also performed at the Mardi Gras party. Soon began a heady whirlwind of PAs across Europe as Michal embarked upon a six month tour headlining at superclubs across the UK and Germany. In Europe, Michal again had the opportunity to collaborate with Gerry Deveaux, this time recording a track entitled “The Power”, featuring Gerry and Rozalla, singer of that 90s dancefloor classic, “Everybody’s Free”. After breaking the European dance scene, Michal returned home to Australia and spent 2004 writing and recording his debut album, UNCOVERED – The Remixes and released it the following year to rave reviews. He sung as lead vocalist on renowned electro band, Southend’s cover of the Bronski Beat classic “Small Town Boy” and on the lead single of the Celebrity Drug Disasters’ debut album. It was shortly after this that Michal was to face an unlikely challenge. His shining talent had caught the eye of many a record producer, and he was quickly invited to take his career in a more commercial direction. Suddenly, the success and worldwide adulation he’d always dreamed about were at his fingertips and he spent months locked away recording and reinventing his identity. Before long though, the pressure of being forced along the pop factory conveyor belt became too much, and he had to walk away. “For me life and music is about being true and honest with yourself and those around you; for standing up for who you are and what you feel. When I first started out in the music industry, I was a member of a number of boy bands, but it never felt right for me. I felt more comfortable becoming an independent artist. Then, suddenly, I found myself in a situation where I was being told that to be a commercially successful artist, I had to sacrifice my identity and become a pop product…which went against everything I believed in. It was undoubtedly the toughest decision I’ve ever had to make – to let go of the dream of a lifetime in order to be true to who I am”. More than one year on and Michal’s not looking back. His resolution not to compromise his artistic integrity has left him stronger and more determined than ever before. His latest single, “Another Day”, is his most honest yet and reveals the bitter pain of being rejected by the one you love. Here, Michal opens up his heart right up and invites you all up onto the stage of his soul for a emotional and passionate performance. This show-stopper is Michal Nicolas to the core: melodically complex, it features enchanting Middle Eastern influences throughout the instrumentation and emotional lyrics are dramatised to an addictive house beat. Due to be released exclusively online in October 2007, the single also has kicking tribal and progressive trance remixes to uplift dancefloor afficionados everywhere, whatever their musical persuasion. Despite his hectic schedule Michal has also found time to get involved in projects beyond the music scene. Also in August 2007, Michal will launch teamm8, his own men’s underwear label. Teamm8 is a typically Aussie range of stylish underwear for guys who wanna look good whether they're in the locker room or getting their pants off! Featuring athletic, classic briefs with a look combining both sport and fashion, the range has winning styling and a great, sexy shape which make them the perfect jocks to score in. Check out www.teamm8.com to grab a pair. Away from the music and design studios, Michal's also been working on a new show. This time though, you won’t have to head to a gig to catch him. Soon-to-launch Boy Around Town TV will allow you to get a slice of the action and a glimpse of some of the amazing people Michal gets to meet and incredible things he does as an artist. Presented by the man himself, Boy Around Town TV is light-hearted entertainment and a guaranteed eyeful: hot interviews, upfront VIP experiences, behind-the-scenes exposes and some very sexy moments…all served up as bite-sized downloadable journeys. He'll take you along the way as he shows you the funny, freaky, stylish and sexy things he gets up to - after all, Michal's always been about sharing! Check out www.boyaroundtowntv.com All in all, 2007 spells a tremendous year ahead for Michal Nicolas. And wherever you are, whatever you're doing or however you're feeling, Michal wants to share it all with you! You should create your own MySpace Layouts like me by using nUCLEArcENTURy .COM's MySpace Profile Editor !

My Interests


Member Since: 6/6/2006
Band Website: michalnicolas.com
Influences: George Michael, Madonna, Everything But The Girl, Michael Jackson, Moloko, Erasure, Pet Shop Boys
Sounds Like: Probably the question I find most difficult to answer. I've posted a few tracks so you can make up your own mind. I've been told I sound a bit like George Michael and Darren Hayes from Savage Garden. I like to think I sound a bit like Michal Nicolas. But it's cool, we all like reference points and I'm flattered if people think I sound like those guys because I'm a huge fan of both.My music is a little more eclectic though. I cover the genres of pop, dance and electronica. I love a ballad though but for now I'm concentrating on music that makes you wanna dance!
Record Label: Peachy Records
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

What Lies Beneath

We all have secrets. Some big, some small. Some that could be life changing, some that wouldn't have any positive outcome if they were revealed. So how do we know what we should keep festering to ours...
Posted by Michal Nicolas on Thu, 31 Jan 2008 08:23:00 PST

Spring Clean

From time to time we all take stock of what we have tucked under our beds, stuffed in our wardrobes and crammed into boxes somewhere. We rummage through our belongings and work out what's worth keepin...
Posted by Michal Nicolas on Thu, 01 Nov 2007 06:22:00 PST

A Bird In The Hand....

There are times in life when you feel like you have to settle for something that isn't really to your standard or even really what you want, just so that you don't miss out altogether. e.g 1 that t-sh...
Posted by Michal Nicolas on Thu, 30 Aug 2007 07:08:00 PST

The Deal Breaker

What's your limit? Where do you draw the line? When does your 'enough-o-meter' kick in and you check out? At home, at work, your friendships, your relationships, we all have limits as to what we wil...
Posted by Michal Nicolas on Wed, 25 Jul 2007 06:52:00 PST

Would You Like Fries With That?

The up sell. We all fall for a sales pitch at some point, if not regularly. Are we really that stupid and gullible that we need someone to prompt us into getting what we really want? Don't get me wron...
Posted by Michal Nicolas on Wed, 11 Jul 2007 08:09:00 PST


Have you ever loaded your sushi with just a little too much wasabi, (and you know you've done it), then wait for the stabbing shot to hit you square in the nose and between the eyes? You lose your bre...
Posted by Michal Nicolas on Mon, 02 Jul 2007 02:32:00 PST

Don't Call Us, We'll Call You.

So how do YOU deal with rejection and or criticism? Water off a ducks back?? Or 'OMG everyone hates me and I'll never find anybody who likes me'! Slightly melodramatic but you get the idea. So which c...
Posted by Michal Nicolas on Sun, 24 Jun 2007 12:56:00 PST

Unlucky In Love?

Have you ever reacted to something that happened to you in a way that even surprises yourself sometimes? Did you spend much time thinking about it, or did you just dismiss it as typical behaviour and ...
Posted by Michal Nicolas on Fri, 01 Jun 2007 07:35:00 PST

I've Got A Secret

Tonight I decided to write a blog with no particular topic in mind. I wanted to see what flowed. Wondering if I would take a certain direction once started or whether this would just end up a rambling...
Posted by Michal Nicolas on Thu, 05 Apr 2007 08:59:00 PST


Ok, so obviously I'm single at the moment, otherwise I wouldn't be blogging about the upside of not being in a relationship. What's bought this on you might be thinking? Damn well Valentines Day is wh...
Posted by Michal Nicolas on Mon, 19 Feb 2007 07:26:00 PST