Arquitecture, art, music, books, photgraphy...& weird stuff really hahaha!!
House Progressive & Electro, mi máximo James Holden, Paolo Mojo, Phonique, Deep Dish, Steve Lawler, Chris Fortier, Kleinenberg, Danny Howells tambien me encanta, Satoshi Tomiie, Eelke, Mohr, Lazarus, V-sag,lots lots more!!!!... Portishead, Télépopmusik & Björk
Big Fish, Pais de nunca Jamas, V for Vendetta, todas las de Tim Burton, Dancing in the dark, The Shinning,Great Expectations, Pulp fiction, Requiem for a dream, Naranja Mecanica, City of angels, Kill Bill, Lord of the Rings, Matrix, Constantine, Narnia, Diario de una pasión, Memoirs of a Geisha, Resplandor de una mente sin Recuerdos...lots more!!
Todos los nombres, Momo, El fin de la locura, Extasis, Pedro Paramo, The melancholy death of oyster boy, Green House, Memoris of a geisha, Paula, The historian, los de Dan Brown, Acid house...Deliro de Nueva York, La celestina,....more more more