Really heavy ass music, riding my wheeler better than my brother Eric, occasional drinking, heavy drinking, social drinking, fishing, riding better than my brother Eric, sick ass concerts (deftones, slayer) and riding better than my bro Eric.
Slayer, Deftones, Alanis Morissete, Sepultura, Ice Cube, Max Cavalera, Johnny Walker, Kenny Rogers, Snoop Dog, and many more....
Deftones Slayer IceCube Sepultura DyingFetus Soulfly 36crazyfists BenHarper MasonJennings... Too many to list...
Casino, Friday, A River Runs Through It, Dances With Wolves, Fight Club
Roseanne, Yo MTV Raps, Nova, Weather Channel
Chino Moreno, Eric Holl, Dad, My Wife Jodie, not necesarily in that order and many more...