I would like eventually to retire to my own "Little House on the Prairie". Sidcup looks nice.
As I said, my soulmate. But failing that, I hanker after a woman with strong hands who shaves her legs regularly and has not strangled a chicken recently. Acutally, who I'd really like to meet is Stephanie Mather, who worked in the Radcliffe Library in Oxford in the eighties- lost touch! If you are Stephanie! or know where she is, drop me a line. Be lovely to catch up again :)
Has to be Hillbilly.
Nothing compares to work of Michael Landon - "Barnstormin Days", "BarnRaisin Days", and the classic "I Built a Barn in Winter and it Snowed". They don't make them like that any more.
You need electricity for that, don't you?
Books are the work of the Devil. Even the Bible is tainted in these dark times. So, we only keep the Mormon Tabernacle in our home. The Lord is my shepherd, and I shall wander as a lamb amongst the sheep of his flock. I'm not sure that's meant to be taken literally, though, as my uncle got arrested recently in the early hours at Ffordingnog Farm near Bets Y Coed.
Michael Landon, a man who could wring more emotion out of his lines than any of these modern "Hollywood Heroes". The passion in his trembling voice, barely audible above the tornado as he said "Tonight the sheep sleep with us, Mary Lou" from "Plum Valley Memories" still sends shivers down my spine.