bowLing. baDminTon. c0FfeE. cHocoLAtez. cLothEs. sHuz. baG. cArz. caTs.
anYbodY.go aHead anD adD me iF u waNnA:[email protected]~
jaZz. acUztix. a biT of r N b. cHic rOck. cuRrenT diG: h0obaStanK. MYMP. sponge coLa. kichiE nadaL. PnE. maR0on 5. and da list goEs on!!
brAvehEarT. caTch mE iF u caN. Lil raScaLs. seRendiPity. sHreK. fiNding Nem0. m0nsteR's inc. 50fiRst daTes. *and da lisT goeS on...*
CSI. daTz so raVen. carT0onz. docUmenTarIes. lalala.....t0o maNy...
b0okS by b0b oNg, siDney sHeld0n. s0phie's woRld. d aLchemIst. LiL prIncE. d mIsSin piEce mEets d bIg O. d b0ok oF aNsweRs. gUess h0w muCh i LovE yoU.