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About Me

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I am about 5"0 or maybe 5"1. Dark like a dark chocalate Hersheys candy bar. THICK is what I call me, only a dog wants a bone. I'm cool to be around, I don't take no shit, and I will kill about my family. I love to have fun and just be chill. I have intellect, is well kept, well rounded, and well grounded. I am a woman of color and is proud of it. I am also a Christian. I attend Faith Covenant Church where Quinten Barlow is the Pastor..... I would like to give special ups to my friends: Alicia, Alexis, Kenyarda, and the rest of my Rust Family. I will like to give a very special shout out to my friend Ra Ra Rakia. I love you girl. My Mother Valarie and my Father Mickey, Thanks for always being with me 100%. To my siblings: Moo-Moo, Jasmine, Mickey'la, Mickey, Christian Deon, and Christian DeJoy I LOVE YOU GUYS... Also to Tasha who has been nothing but a blessing to me. To Mece who has took me in and loved me as her own. To my very special cousin Arnie'ca dka Counter Attack, I love you lots. And to all my other first cousins I love ya'll too. I will also like to give a shot out to my baby: Non other than the Infamous Lil Charles. I LOVE YOU SOOOOOO MUCH. I know we have plenty of problems but they all shall come to past. Just think we have a 8 year history, It will never be perfect, but it's worth the ruggedness.... I LOVE YOU ALL.

My Interests

Greatness.... Reading, Writing, but I hate going to class

I'd like to meet:

Great people with Purpose and a Strong Belief and Faith in GOD


I like all music... Gospel, R&B, Contemporary, Jazz, Instrumentals, Hip Hop, and some Rap


I like anything worth watching..... My favorite movies of all times are A Little Princess, Dream Girls, Bad Boys II, Love and Basketball, Crooklyn, Baby Boy, Cheaper by the Dozen I & II, and all of Tyler Perry Plays


Girlfriends, ALL of Us, One on One, Laguna Beach, America's Next Top Model, and American Idol(The Auditions, College Hill, and Run's House


I have read too many books to name. My favorites are The Coldest Winter Ever, Dime piece, Shiesty, Criminal Minded, Sisters of APF, Flyy Girl, and Not in my Family


My GrandParents: Sallie and Mudear.... I love you sooooo much and misses you dearly

My Blog

My Celebrity Look-alikes

Posted by CHOCOLATE on Fri, 23 Mar 2007 11:10:00 PST

If a man wants you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If a man wants you, nothing can keep him away. If he doesn't want you, nothing can make him stay.Stop making excuses for a man and his behavior.Allow your intuition (or spirit) to save you from hearta...
Posted by CHOCOLATE on Thu, 06 Jul 2006 09:56:00 PST

Dream Builders Affirmation- By: Michael Wind

I will look beyond the problems to the solution I will look beyond the obstacles to the oppurtunity I will look beyond the impossible to the possibilty I will look beyond the darkness to the light Whe...
Posted by CHOCOLATE on Thu, 06 Jul 2006 10:21:00 PST

Don't be another victim of domestic abuse!!!!!!

A man comes home from work early to surprise his wife with flowers and candy and finds that she's already got something planned? The computer is on and there is note written on it. He sits down in fro...
Posted by CHOCOLATE on Thu, 06 Jul 2006 10:08:00 PST

What if I am a black woman

WHAT IF I AM A BLACK WOMAN? What If I Am A Black Woman? Is It A Disease? Well, If It Is, I Sure Hope It's Catching Because They Need To Pour It Into A Bottle, Label It, And Sprinkle It All Ov...
Posted by CHOCOLATE on Thu, 06 Jul 2006 10:03:00 PST

Me and My Fam

These are pictures of me and some of my love ones...
Posted by CHOCOLATE on Thu, 06 Jul 2006 09:31:00 PST