Video Games, Star Wars, Music, Lifting Weights, Graphic Design, Art, and Newcastle Beer.
Just a couple of cool people.
Rancid, Social Distortion, Screeching Weasel, NOFX, Bad Religion, AFI (the old stuff), Nek-Romantix, Horrorpops, MXPX, the Germs, Black Flag, Reel Big Fish, Shithead, Me First and the Gimme Gimme's, Operation Ivy, Slipknot, Tsumani Bomb (Agent M is a hottie), Rise Against, Green Day, Misfits, Rob Zombie, White Zombie, and some more I can't remember right now.
Horror, Adventure, Fiction, Sci-Fi, Love Zombie movies.
I don't get to watch much television. But when I do it's Alias, Simpsons, Family Guy, and Seinfeld.
Pretty much any horror short story, Harry Potter at the moment, Lord of the Rings (not even done with the first one, these are some long fucking books), and some of my textbooks.
I would have to say Rob Zombie (lame huh). But I love his movies, music, and especially his artwork. His style of art is what I hope to be doing when I am out of school.