Nomenme Dani Stylo dende el 88 pol mi vieyu "nome de guerra" como escritor caleyeru, nos entames del bombardeu orixinal por ekà por Avilés, Asturies, asS-PAIN, El Mundu.Yo mesmu considérome una personuka y un b-boy non tantu "pioneru" pero de suru ke sà UN SIMPLE TESTIGU DIREUTU Y ACTÃU DE TOLES EPOKES DENDE LOS INICIOS DEL HIP HOP nesti planeta nomau ASTURIES.Piké un pocu too de los elementos ke componen esta cultura hip hop: dende casi 10 años d'akel Breakdance Inicial d'allá pol 1983, pasando pol djing caseru y orixinal del 86, el graffitti del 87-88, y el rap y la produccion desde el 89 ta agora ke toi más centrau nel tema producción, aunke ocasionalmente collaboro con algunes rimes en proyeutos de vieyos y nueus collacixs, y préstame facelu n'asturian, lo ke más, pol RESPETU a las raices d'Asturies ke tien esti koreanu, y ke el hip hop aprendióme a tener.Tamien voi recuperando últimamenti la mio pasión polos platos ke habia abandonau creia ya dafechu dende 1995, DEMPUÉS DEL ROBU DE LA MIO COLECCION DE VINILOS ORIXINALES. Last night, finalscratch saved my life, kollacixs jejeje...Nin de la vieya nin pala nueva: nunca prestóme l'escuela!!HIPHOPKENUNPAREH !!Continuará...
---------------------My name's Dani, but some people in my town know me as "Stylo" because my "battlename" in the game of the original graffitti bombing round here, Avilés, Asturies, asS-PAIN, Planet Earth, in 1988.I recognize myself NOT as a local hip hop pioneer... better i like to see me as a person and a b-boy, but only like a direct and active witness on dis hip hop game in anytime since the old times in dis country called Asturies.FOUR ELEMENTZ: I lived the original boom of spanish-asturian breakdancing, in 1983, and continued doing it through 10 years more or less. I started djing in 86, taggin', bombin' and murals on 87-88, and started to rap and produce in 1989 up to now.Most especialized in production works, but actually sometimes i colabo with my rhymes in some old & new friends demos too, using ASTURIAN lenguage, allowed by the autority in dis country... (yes, Asturies depends of asSPAIN, Europe). I used Asturian because my RESPECT with tha asturian roots. HIP HOP and life teached me to respect that kind of things.Actually and now i'm recovering my other pasion, the turntables...ten years after the steal of my vinyls colection in 1995. LAST NIGHT. FINALSCRATCH SAVED MY LIFE, BROTIX HEHEHE...HIP HOP DON'T STOP!!