Music, Movies, Golf, Football, Superman, Graphic Design, Money....stuff like that...
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Shawn Mcdonald, Shane and Shane, Paul Wright, Toby Mac, Chris Tomlin, Jack Johnson, John Mayer, Coldplay, Justin Timberlake, Robin Thicke...
I love movies, some of my favs are Superman (all 5), Transformers, Romeo and Juliet, Signs, The Matrix (all 3), Fast and the Furious, anything with Will Smith, XMen, Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, get the point (just about anything that makes you laugh, cry, scream, think, or stand in awe)
smallville, big brother, american idol, golf, football, Las Vegas, Prison Break, Heroes, Beauty and the Geek
the closest thing to a book that i read would be magazines. I subscribe to GQ, Esquire, Details, Entrepranuer, Inc., Rolling Stone, Blender, Spin, and probably a few others that i can't think of...i know its a lot, but i can't help it. Sorry
SUPERMAN, Clark Kent, Cal-El...etc...