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Lords of Dogtown,American History X,Falling Down,Red Dawn,Maximum Overdrive,Youngblood,SlapShot,Strange Brew,Sixteen Candles,Platoon,The Brothers McMullen,Silence of the Lambs,Summer School, The Bad News Bears,Easy Money,Invincible,Boogey Nights,Catch me if you can,Groung Hog Day,Happy Gilmore,Clerks II,Caddyshack,Shaw Shank Redemption,Dirty Dozen,the Duel,Dumb and Dumber,Star Wars (Empire Strikes Back) the Doors, Fear and loathing in Las Vegas, Blow, The Longest Yard, Pulp Fiction, the Big Lewbowski, Mad Max,Haggard, the list goes on forever lol
SKATE VIDEO'S esp. BLOCKHEAD, DC,Zero,Alien Workshop,etc.,ROB N BIG,HeadBangers Ball,Dirty Jobs,Top Chef,Scrubs,ESPN,Comcast SportsRise,Family Guy & South Park are my favorites of all time! I also like the Travel channel,all cooking shows, the Real World (I know it's lame but ...I've been watching it since it started in the 90's! I like Seinfeld, Rescue Me, Man vs Wild, Gene Simmons Family Jewels, the Osbournes on DVD and any WWII documentary.
Murders in the Rue MorgueGuitar for DummiesNewsweekPhiladephia InquirerThrasher MagazineSkateboard MagLandmark visitor's guide to Iceland
Someone's hero is another person's enemy!