Cycling, Reading, Brewing beer, making hammocks and cornhole is a great game (since you can't buy jarts anymore)
After watching his little video you get with his new CD on itunes... I would love to meet Jimmy Buffet... he just knows how to live life. Still want to see houdini but for him i'll have to settle for his grave.
try to stick to the lighter music. I don't need Green DDay with a political agenda crap. So I usually stick to Kiss, Rusted Root, & steve Vai.Also love the local/Indie tunes like Red Wanting Blue, Chaselounge, Oval Opus, and Roger Clyne and the Peace Makers. Music just needs to be fun.
Highlander Series all the way you can't beat those. Or A pixar Flick will do it too. Don't forget the best Bruce Willis movie ever Hudson Hawk (if you didn't like this movie a quick hint: it's a comedy not an action movie)
Scrubs is number one over all for TV shows for now. If you don't get it then pay attention. Other then that kinda stuck with crappy reality shows because of our lack of cable or dish. And what ever channel isn't playing those awful political comercials
Just Finished Narnia. But I still have to go with the old favorite the Westing Game
Oridnary People (it could be you)