metal ruckus profile picture

metal ruckus

I am here for Friends

About Me

too much sass, and more metal than the titanic

My Interests

slicing throats, eating hearts, long, drawn out, and garrishly descriptive homocide threats with friends, mind bending, bone crunching, brain melting, hair teasing metal and the occassioinal vagina I think your birth canal is showing

I'd like to meet:

not you


80's hair metal you fucking lunatic


television is overrated


fake real life makes me vomit


i decipher hieroglyphics for a living...books are beneath me


boys in make-up with big hair and spandex

My Blog

the good and the bad

so...our kitten, that we didn't even have for a year died last thursday...we don't know what from, but there are three theories...1. she got hit by a car   2. she ate poison from our dick ne...
Posted by metal ruckus on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

i'm A-mazing

SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, I drove stick, LEGALLY, was interesting...if i may say so myself, i'm not that bad, although, first gear and i aren't friends, at all...and by at all, i mean, i stalled the...
Posted by metal ruckus on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

What the EFFFFFF?

Yesterday was the most ridiculous day of my entire life! That old saying when it rains it pours...i'm beginning to think that truer words were never spoken (no pun intended with the current weather)....
Posted by metal ruckus on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


And to think that at one time in my life, i thought all the good ones were taken and the rest were handicapped...imagine my surprise when this pair of hawt glasses was professing his undying love via ...
Posted by metal ruckus on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST