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It's what you don't know...

About Me

im briana, brie, B, duff, duffman, or any combination of them. Im a soon to be senior in the class of 2007 baby at MRHS. I live with my 2 parents and my 2 younger twin freshman, pain in the ass, sisters too. I really have no idea what i want to be when i get older or where i wanna go to college and at this point i just dont care. piece of advice, never work in a place with old people like me, who works over at the Assisted living place near bayshore hospital. it sucks. i hang out with some pretty cool and extremely chill people so i love them and have some pretty amazing, crazy, messed up stories with them all. I love text messaging, music, driving, summer, having money, the beach, the stars,randomness, going to the gym, being out in the rain,watchin ufc and scary movies. i hate spring time, working, waking up early, having a curfew, the cops that bust balls and enforce another damn curfew, gas prices, bugs, dick head teachers, anything to do with college, laundry, fighting with friends,war, itchy mosquito bites,seeing specials on tv about kids with cancer, that you can get pregnant before the age of like 23, when girls are proud that they are a bitch and think there the shit because of it, and the boys that like those girls.Layout made by taybear_ at .

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

aim sn--simplyxobrie.IM me! Jared LetoOrlando Bloom


Which classic movie quote describes your life best? by xxxrated
Favourite genre of movie
Your movie quote is "That womans a stone-faced liar. I pulled out way early." (kingpin)

Quiz created with MemeGen !
What ranDOM movie quote are you? by merenwen_ruby
Choose One
The Quote "How about no."-Dr. Evil(Goldmember)

Quiz created with MemeGen !

My Blog


wildwood= crazy... enough said?
Posted by Briana on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

spring break

thank god spring break is started. its great. no guard till thursday. and hanging out all the time! i went tanning yesterday (kinda scary when its ur first lol) and ummm well. mite do some other (coug...
Posted by Briana on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

my life revolves around school, yes its sad

well lets see, what did i do over my "4 day weekend" well i got my varsity jacket finally on thursday!!! and then later that night i went to practice early. saturday i went to practice, came home f...
Posted by Briana on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


guess what guys!...... ok. ill tell ya. im over ninas house! score. definitely rocked it out to some cool dance music and played the all to frustraiting cow game. yes i no, words cant express our cool...
Posted by Briana on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

now a driver and a dater?

well, i got my drivers ed test back today and i passed!! score, 86 baby! thank goodness, now all i have to do is wait for April 16th to get my 6 hours of schooling. Ugh i cant believe that i have to w...
Posted by Briana on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


well, i finally have my computer rights back so i can now "technically" go on the computer. umm lets see what did i do over the weekend. well on friday my moms best friend and her daughter slept over ...
Posted by Briana on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Finally got a myspace!

hey guys. sry i couldnt get a myspace sooner, i was gonna get one and then i got grounded. well hope u like it and be my friend! Went to the SoCo concert yesterday! kicked major ass! yes that i...
Posted by Briana on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST