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Benjamin †

I found a shoulder to lean on, an infallible reason to live all by itself.

About Me

Well.. my names Ben.. my current hobbies are martial arts, singing, playing guitar, keyboard, skateboarding, thinking of creative graffiti to put on my wall, and many other things. I don't drink, I don't smoke, I'm not dating untill I'm ready to start looking for my wife (which pretty much means when I'm out of college). Besides, theres no girl anywhere nearby thats right for me right now.. I've figured that out the hard way. I'm not religious, I just have a close relationship with God, I'm not so attractive that I can get any girl I want, , I can be quite stubborn, I don't try to be cool, I don't live "in the hood", I'm not good at skateboarding, and I'm not a pro at guitar, I can't sing worth my life, I believe everyone, including men, women, african americans, caucasians, hispanic people, gays, straight people, and everyone else should all be treated with respect. Thats pretty much me over all, now here are the people who mean so much to me, and have each had there own impacts on my life.. Jesus Christ, he is my everything. I can't even describe how amazing his love is, and how thankful I am for what he did for us. And how hes amazing enough to solve problems I had, when it seemed like nobody else could. My family, there so wonderful and always are there for me. One week I may be breakdancing and begging Danny to teach me some turntables, the next week dressed in all black and spikes stealing moms eyeliner, the next week my wearing trashed up clothes that don't fit and my hair not being washed for days so I call myself "Grunge", to the next week I research things on the computer while dressed like a total nerd and play Elder Scrolls of Oblivion.. no matter what I think I am, they always love me no matter what. My freinds, you guys are great. Honestly these guys have helped me through alot of stuff, and I'm suprised most of them have stuck with me for this long. I can't name all my freinds, because that would take quite awhile and my fingers hurt, but they all know who they are. If you read through this I'm suprised, but thanks whoever you are.

Myspace Layouts at / Forest Sunset

Ben --
Tall Hairy creature of the forest.
'How will you be defined in the dictionary?' at

My Interests

skating, music, games, Guitar, Youth/church, Photography, looking up new music, martial arts, Jesus Christ, Blackjack, Singing,

I'd like to meet:

basically, really cool people who I can have a conversation with.AIM- Flying Squid2323


The Casualties, The Ramones, 4th gear,Trapt, Flyleaf, Rise Against, Suicidal Tendencies, Less Then Jake, Sum 41, Among the Thirsty, The Animals, Switchfoot, Blink 182, Serotone, Brothatone, Aesop Rock, Hillsong, Casting Crowns, Lecrae, Chris Tomlin, Mortal Treason, Json, Curvine, Michael W. Smith, Relient K, Obed Edom, Kutless


Signs, War of the worlds, Pulse (basically, im a sci-fi nerd)Offspring

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Most Haunted, Mythbusters, King of the Hill, Simpsons, That 70s show,


I kissed dating goodbye, Every young man's battle, Shooter, Oblivion Guide book


Jesus Christ, Martin Luther King jr. Gandhi, John F. Kennedy, Cassie Bernall, Peter Molyneux, Mom, Dad, Rachel Scott, Jon Foreman

My Blog

My life on an iPod

How am I feeling today?: Thanks for nothing- Sum 41Will I get far in life?: Good times- The AnimalsHow do my friends see me?: Its not over- DaughtryWhere will I get Married?: All Alone- Kutless What i...
Posted by Benjamin † on Sun, 19 Aug 2007 12:54:00 PST

Wierd week this has been a wierd week so far

If anything else happens this week I'll post a new blog about it. Today is Tuesday July 10 2007. On Sunday, my freind Dylan stopped by to tell us this was his last day in my town.. not much of a supri...
Posted by Benjamin † on Tue, 10 Jul 2007 02:06:00 PST

What we listen to

At YFN this was sort of pointed out to us as to the messages our music sends us. If you combine all the titles or the chorus of the song, that represents the message your getting from it Me for exampl...
Posted by Benjamin † on Sun, 24 Jun 2007 01:12:00 PST

Marilyn Manson ate my girlfreind

Relient K "Marilyn Manson Ate My Girlfriend"Walk through the streets of PA and you may see her.Go up to her and say you're a believer.Disgusting trash on MTV it makes her smile.That guy from Satan's e...
Posted by Benjamin † on Thu, 14 Jun 2007 03:12:00 PST


I just got braces!! I'll get some pictures to show everyone. They sort of hurt, but I'll get used to it.
Posted by Benjamin † on Tue, 05 Jun 2007 12:39:00 PST

Things beyond understanding

In america, people think about MLK and they think that racism only applys to whites and blacks. So we don't say anything to racist to African Americans, but then we attack the Asian and...
Posted by Benjamin † on Wed, 23 May 2007 09:20:00 PST


4/23/07 11:00 PM I havn't slept well for days, when I do sleep I'm tormented by unbelievable nightmares. I'm so tired, but I can't sleep no matter how much I try. I try to make it seem like I'm fine, ...
Posted by Benjamin † on Tue, 24 Apr 2007 09:00:00 PST

Virginia Tech Tragety

Just wanted to post something about this horrible event that recently happend. So many innocent lives are lost, these people, just trying to live there lives get killed one day. Just like that, family...
Posted by Benjamin † on Wed, 18 Apr 2007 07:07:00 PST

We won!!

Yup, our football team finally wins... Good game to anyone on our team who sees this, you guys played very well.
Posted by Benjamin † on Wed, 27 Sep 2006 06:32:00 PST

finally made my first blog

yeah, check it out, its somthing I just decided to do on a lonely Sunday evening
Posted by Benjamin † on Mon, 25 Sep 2006 04:57:00 PST