The Simpsons, Gran Turismo, Quake 3, science (I'm an evil professor, what did you think I would be into? Gardening!? Actually, killer plants just might be a good idea) ... um... stuff... and things.
Kazunori Yamauchi, Matt Groening, Nobuo Uematsu, Michio Kaku, Hideo Kojima, Bill Gates (for the sole purpose of begging for money), probably others as well. Oh, and Domo-kun!
Chemistry Domo!
Almost anything that rocks and a bunch of stuff that doesn't rock, but nothing that sucks.
Examples include stuff you've heard of, like Metallica, Nirvana, Paul Oakenfold and even J.S. Bach. Examples also include stuff a lot of people don't know about, like the pillows, Boom Boom Satellites and Los Enanitos Verdes.
The Simpsons, Mythbusters, Conan O'Brien.
Anybody remember TechTV? I'm talkin' the old days, before it lost its soul.
Orwell's 1984... Sun Tzu's Art of War was an entertaining read... The Evil Professor Sam's Destructive Properties of Common Elements and Compounds
A jug of ammonium nitrate. And the old acid cabinet - how I miss that container of concentrated nitric acid.