Stuff stuff stuff
I'm Vera's doppleganger. Thats all you need to know.
She is the good one.
I'm Arev the EVIL twin
and I find myself bored quite often
Traveling, Chocolate, Falafels, Tennis, Biking, Concerts, Learning, Photography, Music, Happiness, History, News, Mountains, Beaches, Reading, Writing, Cooking, Flying, Half Birthdays, Halloween, Staring at people, Boardgames, Meat, Sight seeing, incense, peanut butter, iced coffee, watching movies, playing with the camcorder, being clumsy and playing it off as cute (although I'm rather unsuccesful), meeting new people, blah blah thinking of ways to make this world a better place
I hate listing artists.
i don't limit myself
Captain Planet, who else?