Photography, photo manipualtion, Target Shooting (.22 L/R), music, model airplanes and miniature houses, cooking, food, history, hassling various public officials etc.
You Are Scary
You even scare scary people sometimes!
How Scary Are You?
People who don't suck.
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Myspace Layouts
Myspace Codes
Rockabilly, psychobilly, punk, Oi, industrial, Rock and Roll
you are Madball... KINGS OF NY!
What NYHC band are you??
brought to you by Quizilla
Life of Brian, Dude wheres my car, Supertroopers, KUNG FU, Fast Times at Ridgemont High, all of Johnny Depp's flicks, you get the direction this is going...
Take the quiz:
Which Serial Killer Is Most Like You?
Ted Bundy
You Like Brunette Women Eh? Good Taste
Quizzes by -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!
Complete works of Nietzsche, Amphigorey, History of Ireland by Seamus McMannis, My Left Foot
Myspace Codes
Nietzsche, my mom
Your Daddy Is Ozzy Osbourne
What You Call Him: Daddy Dearest
Why You Love Him: He's the Mack Daddy
Who's Your Daddy?