Country thats right HATERS I said Country. I also like old school rock and a little of rap. Can't forget the Oldies but goodies.
Tombstone the BEST MOVIE EVER, The Cowboy Way, Young Guns 1 & 2, Happy Gilmore, Billy Madison, Water Boy, Liar Liar, Friday Night Lights, The Program, Remember The Titans, Any Give Sunday, Necessary Roughness, Coach Carter, A League Of Their Own, Man On Fire, S.W.A.T., Mobsters, The Patriot, Last Samurai, and many more.
ESPN Sportscenter, Football (Chargers), Baseball (Padres), sometimes Basketball, Fresh Prince of Bel Air, Everybody Loves Ray. Seinfield, Music or whatever sounds good.
Books, haha.....NONE I hate reading.
My Dad and God