Hey, what’s good? I’m Troublesome Kid AKA Mr Miro not TERRELL, thank you very much for taking the time to visit my page.Basically I’m an MC turned producer, I haven’t been producing as long as most producers that are about now but I think I’m doing OK for myself and I KNOW that I’m doing better than some that have been doing this for years (apologies for the cheekiness, but it has to be said).My Story… I started off by just listening to Garage/Grime MCs & Crews such as Pay As U Go, So Solid Crew, Heartless Crew, More Fire Crew and more on radio and by buying the CD/Tape packs that were around at those times and by popping into my local record shop (Uptown Records) to hear some of the new stuff.I first starting writing lyrics like a year later when I was more familiar with the sound, I started off by MCing with friends, one of them had a pair of Technics turntables and more than enough records to play about with, so everyday after school we would go to his house have a quick hour session of trying to DJ & MC, and we done this for nearly a year, but these were the early stages and I wasn’t taking music too seriously it was just a hobby.I gave up on the whole MCing concept and sat back and started to just listen to Garage which was slowly turning into grime. A few years later I started listening to DeJa Vu 92.3FM, with the likes of N.A.S.T.Y, East Co, Ruff Squad, Meridian Crew, DJ Mackie and a few more crews. This is when I started to get interested in the music properly with the likes of ruff squad bringing something different to the scene. I’d record instrumental mixes from DJ Mackie’s show to help me write lyrics and practise on at home. As time went the scene got bigger and new names started arising, raves were popping up everywhere and everyone got on the hype of being an MC.Secondary school was one of main influences on becoming MC and that is what got me back onto the MCing hype because everyone was doing it and it was hard not to try it out. I wrote bars at home and would come to school the next day asking for feedback, like everyone else I wasn’t the best when I started but I kept writing and writing, I kept getting positive feedback and got better with every new lyric. One thing lead to another, I joined this crew then I joined that crew just kept moving about.At this stage I just had lyrics upon lyrics but no real studio to prove what I can do on a track. I asked around for some studios in the ends and that’s when my cousin Breeza introduced me to one of his guys with an OK sounding studio (but at that time it was probably like a shower sounding studio), I did a few vocals there then he said to me “your quite big you know, do you want to work on a few projects†I thought yeah why not, so I did that for a piece, but then I realised that I was MCing over beats that had been used like a thousand times, so I got interested in the art of producing.I had a few friends that were already into the producing game so I just watched them in action and listened to so many different types of music for influences, asked around for some advice, then I got given a CD which had Reason 3.0, Acid Pro 4, Fruity Loops 3.5 & 4 and a bunch of samples, but I didn’t know what to do them and how to do it. So I just installed the programs on my hard drive, and started playing about with them, it took me almost a month to start properly but once I got going it seemed to get easier and easier, I started off by using Reason 3.0 because I found that much easier, later on I started using fruity loops and Acid Pro which I found even more easier so I stuck with that, but I realised that my beats were sounding the same over and over again so I got myself some samples and VSTs and started from there basically. Now one year later I can consider myself to be a GOOD producer (not the best and definitely not rubbish).At the moment the softwares I'm using are Fruity Loops Studio 6.0.8 XXL, Logic Pro 7, Reason 3.0, Acid Pro 5 & Adobe Audition with a heap of different sounds, samples and VSTsI would say I’m a MC that produces although at this moment I’m doing more productive work.I’m always looking for potential artists to work with, so if you think you’re a good DJ/MC/Producer/Vocalist/Rapper then don’t be afraid to message me.I’m also looking for MCs, Rappers & Singers to feature on a project I’m working on at the moment so if your interested in that then don’t be afraid to holla at me. Just send me an e-mail to
[email protected] or alternatively just leave me a message on Myspace I’ll get back to you as soon as possible, but no time wasters please. thanksALSO…Look out for the following:
Sprintz AKA Swiper, Scrappy Mover, Bouncer, Tracer, Shockers, Mizzle, J Shockz, J Aims, Hammer, Red-Eye, DG, Trouble Kid, Strike, Krisis Kid, Hazardous Kid, DJ Silencer, Zico and other potential artists emerging from everywhere. There myspace link can be found in my top friendsTROUBLE MAKIN' BEATZ !! !!I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4