pape la yg sedap didengar..yg tak menyemak kan telinge should b ok..ermm...wink..!!
Lock Stock And Two Smoking Barrels, Snatch, Gangster Number 1, Trainspotting, Green Street Hooligans, Hitler The Rise Of Evil, The Exorcist , Troy, Kingdom Of Heaven, Hellriser , Freddy Krugger, Saw 1 & 2, The Godfather trilogy, Fog Of War Documentary, Harry Potter and LOTR and so on...( yg ni aku copy dr warlockstock..)..haha
sun tzu's the art of war. shannon ahmad's shit. tun dr. mahathir's malay dilemma. roane carey's the new intifada: resisting israel's apartheid. farish a noor's from majapahit to putrajaya. george marshall's skinhead nation + spirit of 69'. chris sullivan's punk. protocols of the learned elders of zion. oxford advanced learners dictionary...( yg ni plak dr abang kesayngan aku...mr iqbal da kete kebal...hahaha..)
Junjungan Besar Nabi Muhammad SAW.. =)