About Being Different Podcast
INT. VOID OF INTERNETELIZEBETH, a chubby woman with pink hair, steps into the void. A single ray of light illuminates her. She tilts her chin up, confidently.ELIZEBETH Hello World. I wanna be a scriptwriter.An unseen voice BOOM’S;WORLD (O.S.) Are you kidding me?ELIZEBETH
(mildly insulted)
I don't balk at a challenge.WORLD (O.S.) Everyone in the industry writes scripts.ELIZEBETH That just means I'm special. I'm a writer first. A prolific writer. With an unlimited imagination.WORLD (O.S.) Your asking for a world of hurt. It takes years to make it.ELIZEBETH I'll get known any way I can. I’ll write scripts for movies or plays or even television. If I have to, I’ll become a filmmaker so that people can see my writing talent. I’ve already made a bunch of videos for YouTube, to teach myself about shooting and editing.WORLD (O.S.) You don't even live in LA.ELIZEBETH There are people making films in Sacramento. There’s even a thriving theater scene. I just need to network.WORLD (O.S.)
(sarcastic) Oh, and that’s something you’re good at.ELIZEBETH You know, World, you’re a real downer. Maybe we can talk again, when you have something constructive to say.WORLD (O.S.) Whatever.ELIZEBETH
(smiling with blissful ignorance) Later!
ELIZEBETH waves and walks out of the light.FADE TO BLACK