Geoffster profile picture


And may you be in Heaven a full half hour before the devil knows you're dead...

About Me

Get music video codes at onetruemedia.comTough question?!?!? I live in Ventura, CA, but consider it to be more of a "home base" for all my adventures. Things in life always seem to be changing for me, but one thing that remains constant, I have seriously some of the coolest friends and the best family in the world. I work a lot, but if I'm not working I love the water and anything I can find to do in it. Surfing, diving, fishing anything you can think of to do in the agua I'd probably be interested in.

I edited my profile with Thomas Myspace Editor V3.6 !

My Interests

Surfing, snowboarding, scuba diving, camping, outside parties, running in the sand, splashing people at the pool with big cannon balls.

I'd like to meet:

Life has a way of throwing you a curve ball from time to time and I beleive that without true friends you'll just sink. I'd like to meet people who share the same thrill of life and adventure that I do.


AFI, Rise Against, Beastie Boys, Strung Out, My Chemical Romance, Pepper, Social D, Slightly Stoopid, any thing that has a beat is alright I guess


Cool Hand Luke, High Plains Drifter, Old School, Waiting, Drive Thru, Jaws, and much more!


Rescue Me, Nip/Tuck, South Park


Cosmic Banditos, The Lost Coast, Shadow Divers, In Search of Captain Zero, The Dogs of Winter


My dad, Dumptruck, K-Pax