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I am here for Networking

About Me

I am a silent type of person...I love sports...mahilig kong asarin yung brother ko...pero minsan lang yon...pag wala akong magawa. I luv to read books..[Harry Potter is an All-time favorite together with Chocolate Books and Chicken soup.] and watch TV...Hmm..like what?Basketball, [bec. I get influenced by my Dad..] Anime and Cartoons, sumtimes if I am in the mood I watch Love Stories... I am a Chocoholic.Thats all! Cursor by www.CloudNeo.ComXCounters.com Hit Counter for kaye_blue -- ..
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My Interests

I am into Basketball, Badminton, Surfing the net, Watching television, Writing poems and stories, reading, blogging, star gazing, playing with my puppy, hanging put with friends, exploring different places, Music, Flip Flops, bags, Dogs, Magazines, Books..Chess?!.

I'd like to meet:

Nice People..of course. People who thinks b4 they act..hehe (joke!) I like those who respects other people


OPM, Mellow, RnB, Pop, Acoustic, Senti, Rock. Rock Ballad


Face off, Hero, Blue Crush, Harry potter, Lord of the rings, Corpse Bride, Mr. and Mrs. Smith, A series of Unfortunate events, confessions of a teenage drama queen, The excorcism of Emily rose, Sisterhood of the travelling pants, A walk to remember, freaky friday, Garfield, the Patriot, Princess Diaries, Lizzie Mcguire, She's the man, V is for vendetta, Aquamarine, Ice Princess, mean Girls, Home run, Just like heaven, 13 going on 30




Harry Potter Series, Mates dates series, The wedding, Tuesdays with Morrie, The five people you meet in heaven, Boy meets girl, Stargril, Series of Unfortunate events, sisterhood of the travelin' pants, Nicola and the viscount, Vince's life, Every Boy's got one, Stardust, Missing series, Chicken soup series, chocolate series (I am so much into Meg Cabot novels)


My personal heroes would include God and my Parents

My Blog

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Posted by Katrine on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


WHICH ARE YOU? PEEPS! THIS IS THE ULTIMATE TEST! GRAB A PIECE OF PAPER AND A PEN AND NUMBER IT 1 - 8! HERE'S THE TEST! 1. Pick your favorite color out of the following: Red ...
Posted by Katrine on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST