Nathan of the Blue Meadow profile picture

Nathan of the Blue Meadow

Fair is the sunsine. Fairer still, the moonlight.

About Me

The Katrina catering job is done!
Woo Whooo!, Yeeha, Go tell it on the mountains! and a very relieved "Booya".
Begin original shpiel:
I live on a cattle ranch in North-Eastern Oregon. It's nice here. Four seasons: Wet/Muddy/Green, Hot/Crispy (Ever here grass go 'crunch' ?), Cooler/Pretier, and Frozen/Windy. I like Frozen/Windy.
Interesting/odd things I've done:
(My friends might need to help me here. I forget some of these things.)
    Emu Wrangling. Cattle hearding. (It can be more exciting than you think.) Bossing the Hay Crew. Installing wireless internet. The boss says (jokingly?) he thinks I'm unlucky. Every job I help him with had some weird complication. Once I walked into the building and the whole network went down. lol I've recently finished four years of teaching a computer class. Not your neat-and-tidy, press-the-right-buttons class. Nay, recieving donations of old equipment, we delved into dusty, scrape-your-knuckles innards. "More Power! 'grunt,grunt,grunt'"
    Quotes: If it aint broke, fix it `till it is. "Is this thing on...Ow!"Playing percussion in a symphony orchestra. Helped build a house in Mexico. Went through my preacher father being shreded by certain alpha-male types. :-S Any other PKs out there? Getting atacked by a Cockatiel whenever I talk on the phone. Sitting in freezing line parties for all three Lord of the Rings movies. Working kitchen freight in New Orlenes, 7 days a week for FOUR MONTHS.
Relationship theory:
I'm of a mind to hold off on heavy romance relationships until I'm prepared to follow through for life. I'd hate to break a girl's heart because I wasn't ready.
Online Aliases:
    I'm "Gune" on some message boards. I'm "Hrondn" on WoW: Gurubashi Server I was "Bill Tell" and later "Yeti" on RO (Ragnarok Online). In general, if you frag somone named "Gune" that could be me.
I hope to make this more interesting in the future. Bless you all.
Nanu nanu,
May your CMOS batteries endure!,

My Interests

Synthesizers, snow, Life-The-Universe-and-Everything

I'd like to meet:

Musical folk, the artsy, the free thinking. People who'd like to meet me.


I like to compose classical type music.


Joe vs. the Volcano
Lord of the Rings
Star Wars
Neverending Story
I'll think of more.


Cowboy Bebop
Battlestar Galactica (old school)


Tolkien is awesome.Michael Ende had an effect on me.


Christ, Dad, Superman, and George Washington.

My Blog

I will set my bow in the cloud.

The rumbling, lightening, blowing, storm-seeded sky shows the red, the blue, the green, the yellow, subtle and unnamed hues harmonizing the white light we think we know, the myriad messengers proclaim...
Posted by Nathan of the Blue Meadow on Sun, 30 Apr 2006 08:57:00 PST

Not Again! or A farmer's work is never done. [farce]

After a day of patching gunshot watering troughs, of scratching my head at the audacity of mudders and fixing fence in the aftermath of the latest car wreck, I laid me down.  There are worse thin...
Posted by Nathan of the Blue Meadow on Mon, 24 Apr 2006 11:01:00 PST

Grog reads Shakespeare

"What light yonder glacier breaks?!It east and Cactus Flower is SUN!Get up Sun and clobber jealous Moon!"Recent years, I understand the fuss about Juliet.Paraphrasing ye Olde Bard:Juliet: "If you...
Posted by Nathan of the Blue Meadow on Sat, 01 Apr 2006 06:52:00 PST

Grog Goes a Courtin'

I've heard that the burning question in a guy's mind is "Am I good enough?"  And the burning question in a girl's mind is "Am I worth persuing?" So, these questions are bubbling under the surface...
Posted by Nathan of the Blue Meadow on Sat, 11 Mar 2006 02:43:00 PST

The Legend of the Convention Center

My information is second and third hand.  Keep that in mind. Every so often I hear that a new section of the convention center has been opened.  Every time, it seems, they've found bodies.&n...
Posted by Nathan of the Blue Meadow on Tue, 11 Oct 2005 10:58:00 PST

Catering Katrina - The lost days...

I finaly got wired again.  Here are some blurbs, going back a ways: Fort smith socializing: Chris Baxter (of the La Grande Observer) and I took a trip down to see the refugees that had come to Fo...
Posted by Nathan of the Blue Meadow on Tue, 11 Oct 2005 10:18:00 PST

Catering Katrina

Hi all, I've been hired on to R&C Catering to feed camps in Hurricane Katrina's aftermath.  Leaving last friday (Sept. 2nd) it's been a blur driving here.  "What day is this?"&...
Posted by Nathan of the Blue Meadow on Thu, 08 Sep 2005 01:55:00 PST