The cross-country Hunn profile picture

The cross-country Hunn

On the internet, nobody knows you're a dog

About Me

I was diagnosed with nasal Chondrosarcoma in January 2008 and completed a month of radiation treatment. It destroyed my ability to produce tears in my left eye, and during treatment they found several lumps that had to be biopsied, but now I'm past the nasty side effects of radiation and have hair on my face again, life is getting back to normal. I probably won't ever be able to breathe out of my nose normally again, but I've discovered that holding a ball in my mouth makes a nice breathing passage. I have a 1-2 year prognosis and I get to go with everywhere, and I haven't been left home alone since December of last year. We just moved to a cool apartment in Hancock Park, L.A. that's big enough for indoor fetch, and has really big windows I can look out of without standing on my hind feet. Also, I have my own couch. And I get cheese sprinkled on my food every night.
Name: Honey
Birthday: October 9th, 1998
Birthplace: Wakulla County, Florida
Current Location: Jacksonville, Fl
Eye Color: brown
Hair Color: tan and black, starting to grey around my nose and mouth
Height: about 2 foot 5 inches.
Right Handed or Left Handed: I use my mouth.
Your Heritage: My mother's side was pit bull, my father was mostly boxer.
The Shoes You Wore Today: While Lindsay was at work, I tried on her white stiletos and her hiking boots. last pair I ate were brown Kenneth Cole slingbacks.
Your Weakness: frozen grapes, frisbees, things that squeak.
Your Fears: I HAVE NO FEAR bwahhha abwahaaa - seriously, being left.
Your Perfect Pizza: the kind with sausage and cheese. i really like sausage and cheese.
Your Most Overused Phrase On an instant messenger: what the hell is instant messanger? i'll eat me some instant messanger.
Thoughts First Waking Up: hey - Lindsay's up, i bet there's still a warm spot on her bed.....
Your Best Physical Feature: my beautiful experssive brown eyes.
Your Bedtime: whenever Lindsay goes to bed, or leaves.
Your Most Missed Memory: playing frisbee in the big green field where we used to live.
Pepsi or Coke: melted butter. with garlic.
MacDonalds or Burger King: yes, yes, YES!!! and Krystal!
Single or Group Dates: anywhere Lindsay goes
Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: popsicles. i'm great at sharing.
Cappuccino or Coffee: TIRE ON A ROPE!!
Do you Smoke: never. it's a filthy disgusting habit, and i lack the necessary lip control.
Do you Swear: I swear i'll eat you if i don't get my tire on a rope.
Do you Sing: I bark. loudly. and sometimes make noises at the cats, but never to music.
Do you Shower Daily: with my tongue! i go swimming once or twice a week.... and i get hosed off...
Have you Been in Love: i love food, and cheese, and Lindsay, and my cats and toys.
Do you want to go to College: I went to college once. I especially liked the frat parties, and the pottery lab. someone made a sculpture of me.
Do you want to get Married: nope. and i don't want Lindsay to marry anyone who doesn't let me on the bed.
Do you belive in yourself: oh yeah. i have no fear, and no doubt that i can, in fact, catch that annoying jet. 30,000 feet? HAH! let me off the leash and it's mine! MINE i say!
Do you get Motion Sickness: no. i love to travel. I sleep for the whole car ride with my head on Lindsay's lap.
Do you think you are Attractive: i am the most beautiful dog in the history of dogs (or so i'm told)
Are you a Health Freak: if by 'health freak' you mean 'will eat anything at any time (excluding raw mushrooms) and look for seconds' then yes.
Do you get along with your Parents: i don't know my parents. i get on swimmingly with my adopted pack leader.
Do you like Thunderstorms: i sleep right through them. i don't like walking in the rain, however.
Do you play an Instrument: the ass trumpet.
In the past month have you Drank Alcohol: never. even at frat parties. Lindsay would never even let anyone offer it to me.
In the past month have you Smoked: see above smoking related question...
In the past month have you been on Drugs: drugs are (ready for it?) for me to poop on!
In the past month have you gone on a Date: yes. with Duke, and he pooped on the floor. not very mature, but maybe he'll grow up...
In the past month have you gone to a Mall: no, but i've been to the beach, a few friends houses, a golf course, a pool, petsmart and tallahassee.
In the past month have you eaten a box of Oreos: no, but not for lack of trying.
In the past month have you eaten Sushi: yes. i like tuna best, but white salmon is a cose second. i'm not really wild about the spicy rolls.
In the past month have you been on Stage: hmmm no.
In the past month have you been Dumped: nope, but once i was dumped at the leon county animal shelter.
In the past month have you gone Skinny Dipping: oh yeah. several times. and streaking.
In the past month have you Stolen Anything: besides the odd kiss? no.
Ever been Drunk: never.
Ever been called a Tease: no, but i've been called pretty girl and sweetie and honeywumpus and huneyluvs and snoggles and miss thing and ethel and the hunn and lovely lady and cutie and love muffin and dogbreath.
Ever been Beaten up: once. by a cat. you will never speak of this again.
Ever Shoplifted: i ate a pigs ear once in petsmart before the check out.
How do you want to Die: i'm a dog. we do not think about death. that's why we're so happy all the time.
What do you want to be when you Grow Up: who said anythign about growing up?
What country would you most like to Visit: anywhere that can be driven to. i don't fly.
In a Boy/Girl..
Favourite Eye Color: brown.
Favourite Hair Color: darker than mine.
Short or Long Hair: short - long gets stuck between my teeth.
Height: about 3 feet.
Weight: over 65 lbs, muscular.
Best Clothing Style: NEKKED!
Number of Drugs I have taken: a few pain killers when i got spayed. some antibiotics once or twice, heartguard and advantage monthly.
Number of CDs I own: own? none. how many have i eaten? many. more than i can remember.
Number of Piercings: none, but i have a microchip.
Number of Tattoos: none, but i have a wicked spay scar. wanna see?
Number of things in my Past I Regret: what's regret? seriously, you humans would be much happier if you started thinking like me.

My Interests

napping on Lindsay's bed (specifically her pillows - ooooh i love pillows), barking, chewing, eating, snuggling, going 'with', riding in cars, playing fetch, chasing things that run.

I'd like to meet:

whoever invented beef jerkey, and pretty much everyone else. cats and ferrets included.


i don't like loud music. classical makes for best napping.


the march of the penguins, National Geographic Specials that have gone to video. History Channel Specials about the the dogs of war (so heroic!).


Animal Planet (except that annoying funniest animals show, i am so much cuter, and the animal abuse cops - too sad) the National Geographic Channel, nature shows with lots of interesting sounds.


well, really expensive and boring textbooks seem to taste the best, but anything needed or really interesting. Elizabeth Marshall Thomas is my favorite author. i just read Marley and Me and i also liked 'how to train your cat' some of actually worked!


Marmaduke, Hobbes (of Calvin and Hobbes), Triumph the insult comic dog, the mountain search and rescue dogs at ski resorts.

My Blog

Honey’s Cancer Blog

(updated by my pack leader, Lindsay) can be found here:
Posted by The cross-country Hunn on Fri, 01 Feb 2008 09:48:00 PST