Acai profile picture


Try to be SOMEBODY, or accept you are NOBODY!

About Me

From my certificate of birth, it wrote Muhamad Faisal Bin Abu Bakar as my name. But all of my frenz called me Acai. I dunno wut it means.In chinese believe, Acai means 'adik'. 'Adik' that 1 someone to teach me bout life. That's me. Starting my childhood at 'kampung' in one place in Malacca named 'Sejid Tanah'. When I study in standard 2, my parents brought me n my bro to biziest f**king town named Serdang. I'm sweet twenty(auw!). I'm Malay and Islamic. I'm very cheerful n alwiz laugh. If u know me, I'm very simple person. I can live anywhere like under the bridge, sleep beside drain, sleep infront of KLCC main gate n many more(that's all my experiences). And lastly, I'm very take care frenz. I like 2 help my frenz when they're in difficult situation. When I help someone, I fell very happy. "I can't b a happy person if my frenz r in upset"

My Interests

ACAI WUZ EREMy hobby iz like 2 playin' badminton n chess. If I have free time, I alwiz pluckin' my lovely guitar. Coz when I'm adul, I like 2 b a famous n proffesianal guitarist like Eric Clapton, Carlos Santana, James Heidfield, and much more. If I 'm so borin', I would like 2 sleep. Sometimes I sleep so long time. When I wake up, I feel like crazy man. When holiday ( I take a baby......I take a baby......holy...holy...holyday - song - ) , I go 4 a shoppin', take a look around wit my sweet gurl, skateboardin', fishin', chattin', surfin' internet and many more.

I'd like to meet:

I would like 2 search a take care frenz especially gurlies. 2 all boiz, u can also b as my frenz. If u r a bois, I would like 2 have a frenz who r proffesional 2 playin guitar or skaterz or skinheads boiz or may b ska. I wish 2 have a gurlfren coz right now I don't have a best gurlfren. If someone would like 2 b my gurlfren (not 4 a bois), I like a simple, alwiz take care, interestin', nice, kind, sweet young gurl, helpful, alim, not very social and lastly must have a beautiful look (he...he...he...).


Ska, Skinheads, Oi, Slow Rock, Grunge, Underground, Metal, Rock, Punk Rock and specially G-Wang Karat


Any types of movies. The most film that give impact in my heart like "This Is England", "Persuit Of Happiness", "Man Push Cart" n such all.


Books? Oh shit...what the fuck who is bookworm


Firstly, my heroes is my parents. They are my inspiration to me to still alive until today. But there still unsung hereos that gives me motivation like Nabi Muhamad S.A.W, Tan Sri Lim Goh Tong, SCA Mohd Hanif Abdullah, Adolf Hitler, Albert Einstein...and lastly my hero is Hiro Nakamura.