GET MONEY! Living my life to the FULLEST! Family, Friends, Vacations, Cars, Parties, Clubs, Clothes, Rims, Pit Bulls, Bumpin my Music, Movies, Expensive resturants, Outdoors, Sports, XBox 360, Computers
All my people that arent able to be here today. Other dog kennels. Famous people. Good homes and people for my puppies. Peoples who are involved in same activities as I am. Pitbull lovers and people involved in the fight against BSL (Breed Specific Legislation).Money making peoples. God loving people and the man himself.
Heat, Scarface, Menace To Society, Boyz In The Hood, Goodfellas, Casino, Godfather, Fresh, Belly, Paid In Full, Blow, Crash, 25th Hour, Friday(s), half-baked, and Collateral. Comedies, ..aries and other films based on true stories.
The Wire, ESPN, NFL or NBA games, Boxing matches, Ultimate Fighting, BET, Pride Fighting, Dog The Bounty Hunter, Last but not least THE OHIO STATE BUCKEYES BABY
The Bible. Atomic Dogg Magazine.