this!!I grew up w/just my moms in various states (not of mind but location). My pops wasn't around much in the beginning but I survived. Really long story really short...I went through a lot (drugs, girls, unruly, alcohol) and all those experiences eventually led me to CHRIST. I got saved in 2000 and really began walking w/GOD in like 2002. It's been a journey and I'm still on that journey. I'm glad that the GOD who saved me is the GOD who can sustain me because I know that I can't do it in and of myself.
I'm married w/children. I've been married for almost 7 years and I have 5 children (3 boys, 2 girls). I do all I can to be a good husband and a good father. It's only through the HOLY GHOST and the elders of my church that I know how to be a good husband and father because I didn't have good examples growing up.
I started doing music in '97 when Biggie Smalls got killed (?) I continued writing secular music until about 2002 when I fully decided to give my gift back to the GIVER. I love music and I love GOD so it only makes sense to incorporate the two into one. As much as I love doing music, as a parent, husband and youth pastor, I just don't have time to pursue music as a career and that is why I'm trying to get my hand in the production game. All beats are for sale so holla @ me if you're interested.
I stand on the WORD of GOD as the only truth that exists in the universe. If you ever want to talk just for gp (general purpose) then I'm down for that CHRIST