How ya doin'? My name's Bob, and I'm a college student majoring in Speech Therapy. My real dream was to be a voice-over actor, as I got can do many voices and create odd noises like the Predator and Wookie.I also have a strange sense of humor. If you can't take a joke, leave now. I make fun of just about everyone and everything, but I try not to be malicious. If you can't tell the difference, that's your problem.I'm also a Gamer-For-Life. At this point in my life, I'd figure I'd stop playing them. But as I evolve, so do the games. Just when I think I'm out, THEY PULL ME BACK IN!!! Note: DO NOT play World of Warcraft, it will steal your soul! Don't play those free ten day trials either, that's how they hooked me!My favorite movie of all time is Pulp Fiction. Samuel L. Jackson is THE MAN.
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