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It happens to all of us, there are times when a bump in the night, that slightly odd man that enters the elevator, or a stranger that walks into the parking lot with us gives off an unsettling vibe. A vibe that causes a sensation of uneasy feelings to flutter within you. In those infrequent moments, our intellect surveys a gambit of possible solutions to the potential problem which this stress presents. But as these negative feelings crescendo, the conflicted moment breaks as the - sound is slow recognized, the man gets off the elevator without incident or the follower veers off to get into his car that was parked near yours. In these moments, those feelings you feel quickly slip away. Only to leave you with an after taste of
"What would I have done to stop him? How could I have prevented that crime?"
When the student is ready, the teacher will appear.
There are a dozen of life's adventures I could be indulging in at this moment, but I choose invest my time in extending this invitation to you, and countless other women like yourself. An invitation to learn some of the most innovative personal security advice ever offered. Information that will make you safer, for some of you, it might even save your life. Each week I send out countless add request. And as you can see from my friend list, many women have replied. I know some of them fall on deaf ears, and others ignore my request without the slightest interest.
But I also know that many more of my request find their way to intellectually keen women, such as yourself, that realize the countless benefits that come with learning how to lead a safer life. The chances are strong that this line of thinking is not new to you, but despite your efforts to seek out helpful self-defense knowledge, you have never come across a treasure trove of useful safety advice that really addressed your concerns. Safety information that really teaches you what you feel you need to know to be truly safe.
That search is over as of today!
I accept that, that is a bold statement... all I ask is that you review the writings contained on this site and judge for yourself. I am not promising that everything we expound will be the most earth shattering info ever uttered on the subject of personal protection, but I am quite sure that within the pages of information contained in our site and in our future writings, you will find what you have been looking for. In return you owe me nothing. My only request that if you find any shred of the information provided here invaluable, just simply tell your friends. Give to them the gift of safety and piece of mind that you have adopted from internalizing these writings. And in doing so you will have help me fulfill a promise I made to myself long ago when this all began (see the blog entitled ORIGIN). Thank you for your attention, interest and hopefully your assistance. And by all means be safer!
If you politely decline this thoughtful invitation, which is well within your privy, DO NOT PRESS THE DENY BUTTON on our friend request, just take no action. If you select the deny button, at some point in the future when inviting others to join us, I will accidentally sent you another add request, and so on. By simply letting the original add request sit in your friend request queue, the myspace add request system will prevent me from wasting your time and me from accidentally sending you another add inquiry (HINT: this is also an excellent way of preventing some creepy guy from sending you countless add requests). Have an exceptional day!
Your New Friend,
The Safety Guy.
Apropos, that is The Safety Girl and I below in the Top 8 positions 2 & 1, respectively. Feel free to e-mail either of us a direct question if one should cause you to ponder.