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Check Out my website http://www.scottmedine.comI am a 40 yr old Massage Therapist in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. I have been doing massage therapy since 1997 and truly enjoy my work. I have a strictly ethical and legal out call practice and an office in " The Quarters" 8768 Qurters Lake Rd. #4 .Off of essen lane in Baton Rouge.
I seek to expand my spiritual awareness and I practice Kundalini Yoga. I love art and music and hope to try my hand at oil painting someday soon. I enjoy meeting new people and making new friends from all over the planet. Although I seem to connect easier with people a bit older than I. I can get along with just about anyone and welcome all as potential friends.Namaste'Scott
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MyHeritage : Celebrity Morph - Last name - Old photos
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MySpaceTV Videos: America's Got Talent Clip: Britney Spears Impersonator by America's G
Way cool impersonation !