OK, the Name is: the NoRegion Clown, (formerly known as: the Norwegion Clown). Or you can just Call Me Matt (which is the nickname of my birthname).
BiRTHNAME: Matthew George Martin
NiCKNAMES: Matt, The NoRegion Clown, The Norwegion Clown, Xero, tNc, Master Of Disaster, Truth...AND many more...
BiRTHDATE: August 21, 1989
AGE: 19
RELiGION: Atheist
STATUS: Taken/Engaged
ORiENTATION: Bisexual (prefers Pussy)
HOBiES: Writing, Acting, Reading, Singing
JoBS: Actor, Musician, Writer, Director, Producer
COMPANiES: t-X records, SiKE Productions
FAVE GENRE oF MUSiC: All Except SOME Country & except Pop & R&B
I'm easygoing, love to have funn and party, and I AM A JUGGALO!! So Haters Can BACK THE FuCK OFF!
If there is really ANYTHING else you need to know about me...Just Ask! :)
~matt (tNc)
MMFWCL!! Keep It WiCKED! Peace N Love!
i'm out...
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